Letters to the editor – Monday (7-30-2012)
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 1, 2012
As usual, news media was barking up the wrong tree
Sometimes I’m surprised at how quickly our family dog, a beautiful German shepherd, reacts to things. For instance, if I reach into my pocket, she immediately sits, motionless, intently watching my hand, hoping that a doggie-treat will magically appear. But sometimes, like one day last week, I was just reaching for the car keys. Her look of despair was pitiful. I laughed, and got her a treat. But it made me think about how a dog’s brain works, so I wrote a letter to the director of ABC News’ Washington Bureau, to comment on their latest case of media bias.
If you watch ABC News regularly, you know that within hours of the Aurora, Color., movie theater massacre, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos and Brian Ross were suggesting a possible tea party connection. There wasn’t any, of course. It was just a pathetic attempt to capitalize on other people’s misfortune, and ABC News finally apologized.
So I wrote to them, and explained how I’ve noticed that their journalists are well trained to blame the tea party, or any other conservatives, every time a crisis occurs. They keep doing it over and over, I said; it’s like watching my German shepherd performing for a treat. But I’m not surprised, or even upset with them. Heck, I don’t even know which is lower — their ratings or their I.Q.
In 1917, Democratic President Woodrow Wilson put thousands of German-Americans in prison because they were German. During the 1940s, Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt locked up thousands of Japanese-Americans because they were Japanese. We allowed this to happen, in large part, because liberal journalists convinced us to put common sense aside and accept that these liberal presidents knew best. They haven’t changed. Look at how journalists today tell us that President Obama’s reckless spending and class warfare tactics are somehow helping the country.
— Steve Pender