Rowan Superior Probation Court Sept. 26
Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 24, 2011
Rowan Superior Probation Court week of Sept. 26
Disposition of cases heard the week of Sept. 26 in Rowan Superior Probation Court by Judge Beverly T. Beal:
Felony probation violation ń Derrick Dashawn Brown, 13-to-16-month sentence invoked at defendantís request, jail credit, court recommends assessment for educational opportunity and training for employment and life skills; Morgan Elizabeth Cole, two charges, willful violations, 6-to-8-month sentence invoked in each case, jail credit, pay any outstanding money due, condition of work release is to pay any money due, notice of appeal in both cases; Cristal Degraw, willful violation, 45-day sentence invoked, jail credit, court recommends defendant be assessed for alcohol and drug abuse, pay $180 court-appointed attorney fee, condition of work release is to pay any money due, also misdemeanor probation violation, willful violation, 45-day sentence invoked, court recommends defendant be assessed for alcohol and drug abuse, condition of work release is to pay any money due; Joshua Michael Gilbeau, willful violation, 6-yo-8-month sentence invoked, jail credit, court recommends work release, condition of work release is to pay any money due; Adam Jay Hahn, continue on probation and transfer to unsupervised probation, provide DNA sample, $240 court-appointed attorney fee to be entered as civil judgment; Susan Leigh Hicks, willful violation, 6-to-8-month sentence invoked, jail credit, court recommends drug and alcohol treatment program, pay $60 court-appointed attorney fee, condition of work release is to pay any money due; J.P. Hill, probation terminated successfully, civil judgment to be entered for $240 court-appointed attorney fee; Jessica Jean Jackson, willful violation, extend probation 36 months, complete Black Mountain treatment facility, 90-day intensive probation suspended while in treatment, submit to curfew, perform 20 hours community service work per week until she finds employment but suspended while in treatment; Lauren Marie Jackson, willful violation, perform 8 hours community service work within 14 days, fee waived, pay $270 court-appointed attorney fee, probation may be terminated when conditions are met; Jacob Andrew Kaiser, two charges, willful violations, two 6-to-8-month sentences invoked with second at expiration of first, jail credits, condition of work release is to pay any remaining amounts owed, pay $108 court-appointed attorney fee, court recommends defendant to be considered for youthful offender status; James Ashley Kincaid, two charges, willful violation, 6-to-8-month sentence invoked in first case, jail credit, continue on probation in second case with probation suspended while he is serving active sentence, probation to be extended for total of 36 months, six months intensive probation, perform 50 hours community service work, submit to curfew, perform 24 hours community service work each week until he obtains suitable employment, pay $210 court-appointed attorney fee; Eddie Mark McLain, willful violation, probation to be extended to 36 months, attorney fees to be entered as a civil judgment, perform 48 hours community service work at the rat of 8 hours per week, any attorney fees submitted to be entered as a civil judgment; Oscar Lenio Sanchez, defendant to serve seven days for contempt due to testing positive for drugs; Keeley White, willful violation, comply with probation requirements; Anthony Eugene Williams, defendant to be released from jail and to report immediately to probation officer, comply with probation conditions, not leave Rowan County, submit to curfew; Joshua Michael Winecoff, willful violation, 6-to-8-month sentence invoked to be served at expiration of any sentence heís presently serving, jail credit; Mandrail Jamar Woodberry, willful violation, 24-to-38-month sentence invoked, jail credit, court recommends alcohol and drug treatment, condition of work release is to pay any remaining money due and pay $240 court-appointed attorney fee; Heath Jonathan Culp, two charges, 3-to-4-month sentence invoked in each case at defendantís request, jail credit, condition of work release or parole is to pay any money due; Bryan Allen Robinson, willful violation, 30-day sentence invoked, pay $270 court-appointed attorney fee.
Misdemeanor probation violation ń Karri Michelle Burrell, willful violation, perform 36 hours community service work within 35 days, probation to be terminated upon completion of community service work; Maurice Dirton Jr., willful violation, 120-day sentence invoked, also felony probation violation out-of-county, willful violation, 60-day sentence invoked at expiration of first sentence; Donald Lee Duff Jr., two charges, willful violations, two 45-day sentence invoked, jail credit; Christy Cauble Gilbeau, two charges, willful violations, two 45-day sentences invoked with second at expiration of first, jail credit, pay $240 court-appointed attorney fee; Quamaine Deshaw Patterson, 45-day sentence invoked at defendantís request, jail credit; Milton Chanta Ware, three charges, willful violations, 120-day sentence invoked in first case, 45-day sentences invoked in other cases with each to be served at expiration of previous, condition of work release is to pay any money due and court-appointed attorney fees, notice of appeal in all three cases.
Felony probation violation out-of-county ń Lorri Blocker Cowherd, willful violation, 6-to-8-month sentence invoked, jail credit, condition of work release is to pay any outstanding money due, $450 court-appointed attorney fee to be entered as civil judgment, also misdemeanor probation violation out-of-county, willful violation, 45-day sentence invoked, condition of work release is to pay any outstanding money due; Hersel Nathan Davis III, willful violation, 7-to-9-month sentence invoked, jail credit, condition of work release is to pay any outstanding money due, court recommends substance abuse assessment and treatment for alcohol and drugs; Samuel Gillenwater, six charges, willful violations, 10-to-12-month sentences invoked in five cases and 8-to-10-month sentence in one case with each at expiration of previous, jail credits, work release recommended, any earnings to be applied to remaining money owed; Jacinto Elroy Henderson, willful violation, probation to be terminated unsuccessfully, remaining money due to be entered as civil judgment; Joey Dwayne Justus, four charges, willful violations, 8-to-10-month sentence invoked in first case and 6-to-8-month sentence invoked in other three cases with each to be served at expiration of previous, jail credits, condition of work release is to pay any outstanding money due and jail fees; Christopher Scott Parson, dismissal without leave by district attorney; Anthony Ray Perkins, probation terminated unsuccessfully, $180 court-appointed attorney fee to be entered as a civil judgment; Wilbert Purcell Powell, may transfer to unsupervised probation if all money due is paid by Sept. 30; Matthew Reynold Roig, probation extended for a total of 36 months, six months intensive probation, perform 16 hours community service work per week until suitably employed.