Superior Probation Court Oct. 10
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 22, 2011
Rowan SuperiorProbation Court week of Oct. 10
Disposition of cases heard the week of Oct. 10, 2011, in Rowan Superior Probation Court by Judge Robert T. Sumner:
Felony probation violation ń Douglas Reid Pate, willful violation, 8-to-10-month sentence invoked, jail credit, court recommends he not be housed at Polk Correctional Center; Matthew G. Dean, willful violation, 6-to-8-month sentence invoked, jail credit; Jerrett Travis Wilhite, willful violation, 6-to-8-month sentence invoked at defendantís request, jail credit; Jeremy Lemly, willful violation, 11-to-14-month sentence invoked at defendantís request, jail credit; Brandy Frazier Cain, willful violation, 30-day sentence invoked, jail credit.
Felony probation violation out-of-county ń Jami Dawn Pierce, 14-to-17-month sentence invoked at defendantís request, jail credit; Sean Patrick Rowan, willful violation, continue on probation through June 21, 2015, six months intensive probation or until accepted into Trosa program, probation to be transferred to Durham County when accepted into Trosa, sentence to be activated if defendant leaves Trosa.
Misdemeanor probation violation ń Gary Vernell Sims, two charges, probation terminated unsuccessfully in both cases, civil judgment to be entered for $1,339.50 court cost and fines in first case.
Superior Trial Court
Disposition of cases heard the week of Oct. 10, 2011, in Rowan Superior Trial Court by Judge Robert T. Sumner:
Felony assault with deadly weapon on government official ń Johnny Lee James, also misdemeanor false imprisonment, jury trial, 14-17 months, jail credit, notice of appeal, also misdemeanor assault on government official/employee, jury trial, 75 days at expiration of first sentence, suspended, 12 months supervised probation, obtain substance abuse assessment and follow all recommended treatment, have no contact with victim, perform 48 hours community service work and pay fee, pay court cost, civil judgment to be entered for court-appointed attorney fee, notice of appeal.