Letters to the editor – Tuesday (10-11-11)
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 10, 2011
Why do we stop business on these useless holidays?
I donít have a direct line to Christopher Columbus, nor do I pretend to speak for him. But Iíd like to believe that he would prefer for business to go on as usual on his day of honor.
Columbus Day is just another of the useless holidays scheduled throughout the year. The post office doesnít run. The banks are closed. Most places of employment do not give you a paid day off, unless you have a very good job.
I see these useless holidays as just another day to hold up commerce in a country where our economy can use all the help and stimulation it can get. It is time to get realistic about things.
ó Linda Lewis
Forward thinking in Spencer
I do not live in Spencer. But I must applaud the effort to save and convert to a park the wooded area between 11th and 17th streets. This is very forward planning and thinking by both the state and local governent. Thanks should go to the Spencer government and to all that helped make this possible.
ó Bill McCranie
Writers are on target
My response to ěMy Turn: Steve Penderî and the letter headlined ěWhere are the leaders?î in the Oct. 10 Post is as follows:
Will you please accept a position in our current Congress? You both make more sense than anything Iíve heard from Washington or Raleigh in recent years. I appreciate some realism.
ó Lola Floss
Post contributor Steve Pender lives in Rockwell. The tagline on his Monday ěMy Turnî column mistakenly said he lived in Salisbury.