
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Deadline for posters is 5 p.m.
Salisbury Toastmasters Club – People Growing Together Open House, 5:15 p.m., Thursday: Food, fun and a drawing for one free membership fee ($20 value). PGT Toastmasters meets every Thursday at J.F. Hurley YMCA Boardroom, 828 Jake Alexander Blvd. Guests welcome. Membership open to the public. Improve speaking and leadership skills in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Contact: Tim Edwards 704-431-9390 or Curtis Treece 704-433-7878 or
Mt. Zion Lutheran one day prayer retreat, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday. Learn about different ways to pray including Martin Lutherís instruction on prayer, centering prayer and praying in color. Retreat leaders the Revs. Ruth Ann and Ray Sipe. Free lunch provided; donations received to cover meal cost. Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, Richfield, 704-463-7280,
The John Wesley Coppley Clan reunion, 1 p.m., Sunday in the fellowship hall at Jersey Baptist Church, Linwood. All descendents of John Wesley Coppley invited and encouraged to attend. Bring a picnic basket and share in food and fellowship.
Kannapolis VFW Post 8989 fish fry, Saturday, 2500 N. Cannon Blvd., 11 a.m.-until. $7 per plate. Call-ins and public welcome, 704-933-6186 or 704-431-4280.