Letters to the editor – Tuesday (8-9-2011)

Published 12:00 am Monday, August 8, 2011

High gasoline prices pump up profits for oil companies
Oil prices per barrel have dropped $15+/- in the last two weeks, and yet station prices have not declined proportionately. AAA, interviewed on a Charlotte TV station, said the reason prices continue to be high is because the gas companies can charge it and we will pay … nothing to do with ěmarket rulesî or supply and demand. So much for free-market competition … i.e., what competition?
OK, all you dummies out there who vote against your own self-interest by electing representatives who refused to cut out tax breaks for the oil producers: I hope you are happy subsidizing all those poor oil producers who are raking in all those bushels of dollars taken literally from the mouths of people trying to pay to commute to work and put food on the table for their families!
ó D.C. Sink
Change in attitude needed
First, I would like to thank the hard working teachers, principals and support staff in our schools for your efforts on behalf of children. I know each of you must be devastated by the just released test scores. With 115 school systems, it was reported that Rowanís was outperformed on the ABC Report Card by all but two. I do not believe the test results to be a reflection of your skills or efforts.
However, I was shocked by the comment from our superintendent, Dr. Grissom, which seemingly points the finger at our students and parents. The Post article commented from Dr. Grissom that because of its diversity, Rowan-Salisbury has more targets to meet than most systems. Surrounding counties met a considerably greater percentage of their targets. The excuse is apparently that the state goals are not achievable here because of OUR diversity. What kind of message does that send? Is Rowan County sub-par because of its people? If Dr. Grissom thinks we have too much diversity and therefore our children Ö what? Then thatís that! If the top management bases expectations on some unchangeable criteria, Rowanís got a BIG perception problem.
What can be done? We need a change in attitude. This is critical. Children are not learning. Things are not happening. Thereís no time to waste.
The school board must take action. Transparency in all issues will go a long way in restoring public confidence that the school board keeps our children first and foremost.
Rowanís children can learn. However, no amount of increased appropriation, and no change in procedures or organization can be effective without this fundamental faith in the ability of our children. The state defines expected growth as on average, when children make a yearís worth of academic progress in a yearís time. Can do!
ó David Hall
Mt. Ulla
Beyond the call of duty
On behalf of the family of Cole Isenhour Frame, I wish to express my most sincere gratitude to the Salisbury Police Department for their untiring efforts and support far beyond the call of duty.
I would like to particularly thank Officer W.B. Lamm, Lt. B.D. Stallings, Cpt. M. Thompson, Detective P.J. Smith, Officer M. Lawing and Chaplain R. Williams. I am sure there are countless others whose names I do not know who assisted and to whom we are also extremely thankful.
The death of Cole was tragic, unexpected and extremely painful. The members of the department did everything within their power to comfort and make the process as bearable as was possible.
Every member of the force we came in contact with was gracious and professional.
When Lieutenant Stallings was thanked for the care and support exhibited by his department, all he had to say was, ěI expect nothing less of them.î
Officer Lamm treated the family and all others concerned as friends. His untiring efforts to assist the family earned the gratitude of the family. He followed up on every request made in a timely manner. He continues to contact the family to show the concern of the department as well as his own. His personal kindness will not be forgotten.
I know that there were many other individuals involved. I wish to thank each of them personally on behalf of the family for what they have done and continue to do for us.
The tragic death of Cole will remain with us forever. But the department did everything within their power to ease the pangs and burdens placed on the family and friends involved. Those actions and concerns do, and will, continue to comfort us.
The Salisbury community is blessed to be protected and served by such wonderful and caring professionals. They truly serve the community proudly.
ó Wyn Frame