Schools adjusting budget

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 28, 2011

By Sarah Campbell
SALISBURY ó The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education is expected to pass a continuing budget resolution for the upcoming year while the district awaits final figures from the state.
Chief Financial Officer Tara Trexler said the school system probably wonít receive allotments numbers for another couple of weeks.
The continuing budget will allow the system to legally operate beginning July 1 in the absence of approved budgets.
The district is facing a state deficit of between $5 million and $6 million. The Rowan County Commissioners also slashed the systemís funding by $1 million.
The board will have to decide where those cuts will be made.
Central office positions will remain frozen and budgets for textbooks, technology and staff development could take a hit.
ěThe budget discussion on Thursday will give us direction to build the line item budget after we receive the allocations from the state in July,î Trexler said.
No layoffs are expected, the school system will utilize its $4.2 million in federal Education Jobs Fund money and tap its fund balance for $2 million to protect the classroom.
Trexler said a final draft of the budget will likely be adopted in August.
Gene Miller, assistant superintendent of operations, will also present the 2011-12 capital outlay budget to the board.
The school system will receive nearly $3.7 million in funds from the sales tax this year. More than $2.2 million of that will be used for the 1992 bond payment, Kannapolis City Schoolsí will receive nearly $73,000 and $200,000 will go into a reserve for the county.
With about $1.2 million left, the school system will not be able to fund any major maintenence projects.
Millerís budget includes items such as roof replacements, boiler replacements, paving improvements, upgrades to fire alarm systems and technology infrastructure as well as the purchase of media, music and choral equipment.
During the meeting the board will also:
Receive an update about the night school program;
Receive an update about day treatment program for students with mental health needs and behaviorial challenges
Receive an update about new legislation that adds five days of instruction to the school calendar.
The meeting will begin at 5 p.m. at the Long Street Administrative Office, 110 N. Long St., in East Spencer.
Contact reporter Sarah Campbell at 704-797-7683.