Grace Lutheran awards scholarships

Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 16, 2011

Grace Lutheran awards scholarships
At youth recognition Sunday, June 5,Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church awarded Grace Lutheran Scholarships to seven high school graduates.
Scholarship criteria include: Grace Church member, first-year college student, participation in the worship, fellowship and programs of the congregation, and tuition expense. The Grace Lutheran Scholarship is one of three scholarships funds available for members. This scholarship fund grows through member donations and fundraisers.
The seven scholarship recipients are active in their church and community. They served as worship service assistants, played handbells, were choir members and instrumental accompanists, participated in youth group (LYNC), youth retreat planning, youth productions, Witness of Grace pageants, organized and conducted fundraisers.
They visited shut-ins, helped in the church nursery, served homeless shelter residents, assisted in vacation Bible school and Kids of Grace, volunteered at church workdays and served on mission trips.
Recipients are:
Jesse C. Carson High School graduates — Spencer Atwell, son of Brian and Starr Atwell, plans to attend Rowan-Cabarrus Community College; Beth Cloninger, daughter of Grace Pastor Jerome and Kim Cloninger, will begin her studies at Davidson County Community College in pursuit of a degree in nursing; Brooke Hartsell, daughter of Dennis and Lori Hartsell, will attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she will pursue a bachelor’s degree in secondary education with the goal of becoming a history teacher; David Owens, son of Gordon and Debbie Owens, plans to attend Rowan- Cabarrus Community College studying automotive engineering; Derek Yost, son of Richard and Teresa Yost, will attend Rowan-Cabarrus Community College then, transfer to Central Piedmont Community College to complete his degree in the culinary arts; and Matthew Parris, 2010 graduate, son of Earl and Debbie Parris, plans to attend Coastal Carolina University majoring in music education with the goal of becoming a band director.
West Rowan High School graduate — Madison Moore, daughter of Greg and Kelly Hartsell, will begin her studies at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College then continue her academic work with her goal of becoming an English or history teacher.
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church is at 3020 Grace Church Road, Salisbury, see