Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Catholic Daughters winners
Catholic Daughters National Education Contest Local winners were announced at a dinner on May 2, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
Winners include:
Division 1 (fourth and fifth grades) Poetry ó first place, Bess Bryan; second, Sydney Edwards; third, Rachel Harrison.
Division 1 Essays ó First place, Jack Fisher; second, Elly Burks; third, Leah Wyrick.
Division 3 (ninth, 10th, 11th and 12th grades) Essays ó first place, Ryan Lilly; second, Damon Lilly.
State competition winners from the local entries are: Division 1 poetry, first place, Bess Bryan; Division 1 Essay, first, Jack Fisher; Division 3 essay, first, Ryan Lilly.
Corie Jones places 1st in AMVETScontest
Coralie ěCorieî Jones, a second-grade student at Bostian Elementary School, has been selected by the AMVETS Department of North Carolina as the Second Grade First-place winner in the AMVETS Americanism Contest.
Corieís drawing and essay has been forwarded to the AMVETS National Headquarters, where it will be judged for possible national recognition.
In response to the subject, ěWhy You Should Vote,î Corie drew a picture of a camouflage-clad soldier saluting the American flag, explaining that we should vote because soldiers fought to give us that right. She added that if we vote, we put people into office we think should be there rather than people we donít want there.
On June 9, Corie is receiving a certificate and $100 savings bond from AMVETS Department of North Carolina at Awards Day at Bostian Elementary in recognition of her award. If she wins at the national level, her win will be announced at the National Convention in August.
Corie is the daughter of Alan and Rhonda Jones of China Grove.
Jones recognized for SAT score atceremony
Ryan Jones, a seventh-grade student at China Grove Middle School, attended the 2011 North Carolina Recognition Ceremony held May 11 at East Carolina University in Greenville, honoring students in the 7th Grade Duke Talent Identification Program Talent Search who scored high SAT scores.
Jones received a certificate and medallion recognizing his academic accomplishments.
Duke TIP identifies exceptional seventh-grade students from across the United States who score in the 95th percentile or better on their grade level achievement tests, thereby qualifying them to take the ACT and SAT with high school students.
Jones and other seventh-grade students were recognized for having earned scores that are equal to or better than half the college-bound seniors who took the same tests.
Ryan is the son of Alan and Rhonda Jones of China Grove.
Shive Elementary
Shive Elementary School All-A honor roll:
Second grade ó Julian Kauffman, Kali Rhinier, Kennedy Dolph, Sekoya Endsley, Michael Lopez, Jaxon Mastranunzio, Braden Mitchell, Ashlynn Scarborough, Bryson Shive, Zach Ames, Dawson Barnhardt- Goodman, Hannah Dolinger, Kiersten Drye, Luke Dulin, Braulio Garcia-Aldaco, Lillian Helms, Riley McGowan, Kendal Mullis, Kyla Gougenhour, Joshua Teeter, Greyson Trexler, Austin Van-Why.
Third grade ó Maci Cooper, Brennen Dwinell.
Fourth grade ó Hunter Christy, Vallie Vasquez, Stephen Deutsch, Savannah Winters.
Fifth grade ó Austin Burchette, Denise Dolinger, Abigail Cole, Hollie Harrison, Owen Webb, Gabi Jolly, Taylor Sienerth, Carson Sifford, Abigail Smith, Kenan Hartung, Lindsay York, Tanner Jackson, OíShannus Wood, Madison York, Matthew Caldwell, Krystal Diehl.