After-School Strings needs your vote
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Rather than spend millions of dollars on advertising for the Super Bowl, the Pepsi Foundation decided to donate that money to arts and educational organizations. Last year, the Salisbury Symphony won a $5,000 grant to pay for an After-School Strings teacher (who taught two dozen children how to play a violin, viola or cello).
This year, the foundation has accepted the Symphonyís application for a $10,000 grant to pay for not only an After-School Strings teacher next school year but also much-needed instruments that are rented to students for a very low fee ($15/month).
To help the Symphony at no cost to you, log on to and complete the brief sign-in process; you will need to create a password. Once you sign in, Pepsi will confirm your email, and then you get to vote. You can vote only once a day, but can every day for the month of May.
To find the Symphonyís project, click on ěcurrent leadersî and then click on ě$10,000.î Scroll down to ěStaff the After-School Strings and Refurbish the Inventory;î click ěvote.î The screen should go from ě5î to ě4î.
You can vote for four other projects, but if you do, the Symphony requests that you vote for projects in categories other than the $10,000 category. If the Salisbury Symphony is in the top ten at the end of the month (midnight on May 31), they receive $10,00.
If you have any questions, call the Symphony office at 704-637-4314 or 704-637-4730.