Woman victim of scam

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 5, 2011

By Shavonne Potts
A Rowan County woman was scammed, authorities said, by someone posing as her grandson.
A woman received a phone call from someone she thought was her grandson calling from California asking her to wire him money to get out of jail.
The woman sent the “grandson” $1,800 via MoneyGram to San Diego, but later discovered the money she’d sent had been transferred to Canada.
Investigators caution residents against wiring money to someone if they can’t verify the person’s identification.
Rowan County Sheriff’s Capt. John Sifford said people should confirm with another family member or call that person to double check if the call is legitimate or a hoax.
See Friday’s Post for more details.
Contact reporter Shavonne Potts at 704-797-4253.