
Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 5, 2011

Deadline for posters is 5 p.m.
Astronomical Society of Rowan astronomy event, 5-9 p.m., Saturday, Carolina Mall, Concord, celebrating Astronomy Day, public invited. 704-855-1591, 704-857-2788.
Friendship United Methodist Church ham and chicken dinner, 11 am until, dine in/take out fried chicken, country ham, slaw, potato salad, green beans, bread, dessert, 4695 Mt. Pleasant Road S., Concord, 704-786-3335.
Southeast Middle School Palooza, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday: games, plants for sale, inflatables, hayrides, basket raffle, food, wares. Vendor table spaces available, $10 your table, $15 school table. Jennifer Lentz 704-638-5561 for reservations. Peeler Road (right off of I-85).
Pastorís Aide of Disciples for Christ Outreach Ministries fish and chicken dinner, 11 a.m. until, Saturday. At the home of Barbara Moore, 208 Green Gable Lane. Pete Sherrill 704-797-1241 or Barbara Moore 704-638-0501.
J.C. Price American Legion Post 107 is sponsoring a Motherís Day Dance Sunday, 9 pm-2 am. Music by DJ Clean. Prices will be given to winners of the ěSexy Momî contest. Donation, $5 for everyone. Dress code enforced, no sneakers. Raffles and door prizes.
Granite Quarry Elementary School kindergarten orientation for all rising kindergarten students in the Granite Quarry district, Tuesday, May 10, 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the media center.