Faith briefs
Published 12:00 am Friday, April 15, 2011
First United Methodist Church will host guests and faculty of Hood Theological Seminary for the churchís Palm Sunday liturgy on Sunday, April 17.
First Methodist and Hood have shared a close relationship for many years and this service will further highlight the churchís support and mission of the seminary. Dr. Trevor Eppehimer, associate professor of systematic theology and member of First Methodist will offer the sermon. Others participating include Dr. Samuel Dansokho, associate professor of religion and society; Dr. Dora Mbuwayesango, dean of students and associate professor of Old Testament; Dr. Bradley Trick, visiting professor of New Testament; The Rev.Thomas Grinter, adjunct instructor in Biblical studies; and Margaret Kluttz, director of development.
In addition, the Rev. Stephen D. Haines and the Rev. Julie E. OíNeal, both clergy of First Church, will officiate the service with music under the direction of Mr. Matthew M. Brown. The Junior and Chancel Choirs will sing music of Johann Sebastian Bach and Harold Friedell, accompanied by organ and string trio. Following the service is a lemonade reception on the front lawn provided by the United Methodist Women.
For more information on Hood Theological Seminary, call 704-636-7611. First United Methodist Church is located at 217 S. Church St.
Singles Fellowship
KANNAPOLISó Kimball Lutheran Church hosts a singles fellowship at Old Stone Vino, 515 Main St. today, Saturday, April 16 at 3:30 p.m.
There will be fun, food and fellowship on the outside patio (weather permitting).
Bring your own money for half-price appetizers and drinks. Contact 980 621-2744 or
Mighty Miracle
SPENCER ó Mighty Miracle Temple Fellowship Center, 117 Long Ferry Road, will hold a fish and chicken dinner and gospel concert tonight, April 16, beginning at 4 p.m. Special guests are Spiritual Awakening of Salisbury.
The event takes place rain or shine. Food and concert will be inside. For more information, call Bishop Hackett at 704-267-2830.
Community Baptist
Community Baptist Church, 18 Carolina St., presents the ěHeís Aliveî matinee. Driven Quartet and Danny Funderburk come together on stage to celebrate the resurrected Savior on Saturday, April 23 at 3 p.m.
This is a free concert with a love offering. The doors will open at 2 p.m. Call 704-636-0984 for more information.
New Beginning
CONCORD ó New Beginning Church of God, under the leadership of Bishop Gene Roseman, celebrates its eighth anniversary on Sunday, April 24 at 3 p.m. Speaking will be pastor P.A. Rankin of Word Of Truth, Kannapolis.
New Beginning is located at 5717 Alexander Road, off Highway 3 toward Mooresville. For more information, call 704-938-2088.
Whosoever Will
SPENCER ó On April 22 at 6 p.m., Whosoever Will Let Them Come Ministry, 318 8th St., will hold the annual appreciation service for Mother Earlene Turner for her service and dedication to the body of Christ. Pastor Patricia Brown will speak.
Concordia Lutheran
CHINA GROVE ó Concordia Lutheran Church will have a palm parade and Easter egg hunt from 4-5:30 p.m., Sunday April 17. There will also be a singing and a light supper.
The church is at 185 Concordia Church Road, 704-699-2250.
Gospel fundraiser
In honor of the late Rev. Snipes, alumni and current Livingstone College students established the Rev. Mignonne Snipes Servant Leader Fund. They will host a gospel concert fundraiser on April 17 at 5 p.m. in Varick Auditorium on the Livingstone College Campus. Admissions is $15 for 18 and up, LC Students $3, other students $5. Memsnipesfund@ or 919-.404-9431.
Southside Baptist
There will be a puppet show and performance by the drama team in the Sunday morning 11 a.m. service on April 17 at Southside Baptist Church.
The church is located at 500 Morlan Park Road. For details, call 704-633-1419. The p astor is Tom Smith.
Fairview Heights
The annual ushers board program is Sunday, April 17 at 3 p.m. Guest speaker is Patrick Jones, associate minister of New Zion Baptist Church, with his praise team, choir and congregation. The Rev. Clarence Marlin is host pastor.
Soldiers Memorial
The Home Missions Department of Soldiers Memorial AME Zion Church at 306 N. Liberty St., will present The Twelve Tribes of Israel Rally on Sunday, April 17 at 3 p.m. The Rev. Dr. Grant Harrison Jr. is the pastor.
Holy Tabernacle
Holy Tabernacle of Jesus Christ, 325 Malcolm Road, will celebrate the churchís 22nd anniversary with a series of services at 7:30 p.m. April 20-22 and at the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, April 24. There will be no service on Saturday.
Wednesdayís speaker under the leadership of overseer Priscilla Overstreet is minister Raymond Miller. Thursdayí speaker is Bishop Wade Danner of Deliverance Hall in Newton. Fridayís speaker is Bishop Terry M. Dalton of New Calvary Holiness Church of Mocksville.
On Sunday, the speaker will be overseer Priscilla Overstreet, and co-pastor Calvin Overstreet will assist. Call 704-638-9532 or 704-433-2133.
Whosoever Will
SPENCER ó Whosoever Will Let Them Come Ministry, 318 Eighth St., holds their annual appreciation service honoring Mother Earlene Turner on Friday April 22 at 6 p.m.
She will be honored for her many years of service, love, wisdom and dedication to the body of Christ. Pastor Patricia Brown will be the speaker.
Erwin Temple 85th
COOLEEMEE ó Special services will be held Sunday, April 17 at Erwin Temple CME Church to celebrate the churchís 85th anniversary. The morning message will be given by the Rev. Ervin L. Hannah Jr. The Menís Choir will sing, accompanied by Travis Williams, minister of music. Lunch will follow.
At the 3 p.m. service, the Rev. Dr. Herbert Miller of First Baptist Church in Lexington is the special guest.
Memorial recognition will be given to the charter members in the afternoon service.
Erwin Temple CME was organized in December 1926 under the leadership of the Rev. J. S. Miller.
Hallís Chapel
The women of Hallís Chapel Primitive Baptist Church will observe their annual Womenís Day on April 17 at 11 a.m.
Lady Stacey Rhinehart, first lady of the Yadkin Grove Baptist Church in Salisbury, will be guest speaker. Unity and Praise Singers of Salisbury will provide music.
Trinity Presbyterian
Trinity Presbyterian Church (USA) will present its Easter cantata on Sunday, April 17 at 4 p.m. with selections from Handelís Messiah and other hymns.
Soloists include Monica Green, David Boger and Guam Reid. The church is located at 300 S. Caldwell St. Call 704-636-6854 for details.
Mt. Vernon
WOODLEAF ó The usher board of Mt. Vernon Presbyterian Church presents ěThose Were The Yearsî on April 17 at 3 p.m.
Speakers are Deborah Williams, Charlotte; Arneda Harper, Mt. Zion Baptist and Joyce Smyre, Mt. Vernon.
Kenya Rankin of Ambassadors for Christ in Cleveland will present a spiritual dance. Members of the congregation are requested to wear clothing resembling attire worn by their ancestors. A fellowship luncheon at 1 p.m. will be hosted by the men of the church.
Mt. Vernon is located on Carson Road in Woodleaf. Emery Rann III is pastor and Cynthia McCoy is usher board president.
Ebenezer UMC
MT. ULLA ó Holy week services begin Sunday evening with speaker Harold Bales.
Worship is at 7 p.m. each evening. Mondayís speaker is Mitch Wilson, on Tuesday Tony Matthews will speak, on Wednesday George Kluttz speaks and on Thursday, minister Floyd Wood will preach.
Ebenezer United Meth-odist Church is located on the corner of Hwy 801 and Sherrills Ford Road.
Ursinus UCC
ROCKWELL ó On Sunday, April 17 during 11 a.m. worship, the Senior Choir at Ursinus United Church of Christ on Main Street, will present ěThe Living Last Supper,î a dramatic musical experience by Ruth Elaine Schram that presents DaVinciís Last Supper through song and monologue.
The sixteen voice choir under the direction, of Mrs. Margaret Tucker, will be joined by 13 men from the congregation who will reenact Jesus and the disciples.
South China Grove
CHINA GROVE ó The South China Grove Baptist Church sanctuary choir presents the cantata, ěHallelujah! Praise the Lamb,î arranged by Craig Adams, on Sunday, April 17 at the 11 a.m. service.
South China Grove is located at 501 Haney St. between Hwy. 29 and Hwy 29-A off Thom St. Pastor is Rev. Shane Utley, youth pastor is Joe Basinger. Info at or 704-857-3611.
Memorial UMC
KANNAPOLIS ó Memorial United Methodist Church, 100 West ěCî St., will observe Palm Sunday, April 17 with a hot dog meal after the 10:30 a.m. service and host a Cub Scout troop fundraiser.
On Thursday, April 21 is the Mauney Thursday service in the fellowship hall at 7 p.m. and on Saturday, April 23 is an Easter celebration with music, crafts, outdoor games such as bunny hop, egg and spoon relay, egg hunt, snacks, stories, Bible lessons. Each child will get a treat bag to take home.
Henderson Grove
The Guiding Light Missionary Baptist Association will hold Passion week services at Henderson Grove Missionary Baptist Church April 18-22 at 7 p.m. The guest speakers are: Monday – the Rev. Wesley Harding of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Concord; Tuesday – the Rev. R. V. Hamilton of Beulah Baptist Church in Concord; Wednesday – the Rev. Charles N. Gray of Chapel Hill Baptist Church in Huntersville; Thursday – the Rev. Dr. W.T. Jackson of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Salisbury; Friday – the Rev. John E. Jones of United Missionary Baptist Church in Kannapolis. Communion will be given during the Wednesday service.
Calvary Baptist
Calvary Baptist Tabernacle, 3760 Stokes Ferry Road, will present the play ěThe Third Dayî on Saturday April 23 and Easter Sunday, both nights at 6 p.m. The play, written by church member Pat Lohmeyer and directed by Rick Freeborn and Karen Herndon, has been under rehearsal since last October. There are approximately 35 cast members and costumes and scenery created by church members.
Call 704-645-9328 or Rick Freeborn at 704-636-4286.
Prince of Peace
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (corner of Hwy 152 and Old Salisbury Road) will observe Holy Week beginning on Palm Sunday, April 17, with the procession of palms and the reading of the Passion according to St. Matthew at 11 a.m.
Wednesday night is a Service of the Word for Healing at 7 p.m., including anointing with oil. Services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, are at 7 p.m.
On Saturday, April 23, is the Easter egg hunt and hot dog lunch beginning at 11 a.m. for children of all ages.Call 704-857-9588 or visit
Ministerial Alliance
The United Ministerial Alliance will host its third Sunday service at St. Luke Baptist Church, Salisbury, on Sunday April 17 at 7 p.m. Guest preacher is Evangelist Cathye Marlin of Fairview Heights Baptist Church. The Rev. Arthur Heggins is the host pastor.
Cornerstone concert
On Sunday, April 17 at 9 and 11 a.m., singer, songwriter, producer, vocal arranger and entrepreneur Canton Jones will perform in concert at Cornerstone Church.
There is no admission charge. Cornerstone is located at 315 Webb Road. Call 704-.855-1218 or visit
Trinity UMC
KANNAPOLIS ó Trinity UMC will hold an 8:30 a.m. contemporary service and 11 a.m. traditional service on Sunday April 17. In addition there will be an Easter egg hunt from 4-6 p.m., with an egg hunt, games and hot dog supper for all ages.
Trinity is located at 416 East 1st St., across from A.L. Brown High School. For more information, call 704-933-1127.
Cleveland 1st Baptist
CLEVELAND ó The choir at CFB will present the cantata ěThe King Is Comingî on Sunday, April 17 at 11 a.m., under the direction of Karen Naile, accompanist Gail Moore, narrated by Jane Current, soloist Russell McDaniel.
A silent candlelight observance of the Lordís Supper will be Maundy Thursday at 7 p.m.
Easter Sunday will begin with a sunrise service at 7, breakfast at 7:45, Sunday school at 8:30 and worship at 9:30 a.m., under the direction of the Rev. Bobby Seagroves, interim pastor
Christiana Lutheran
Christiana Lutheran Church will present ěThe Living Last Supperî on Wednesday, April 20 and Maundy Thursday , April 21, at 7:30 p.m. This Renaissance painting is brought to life through music Ruth Elaine Schram and drama by the Chancel Choir and thirteen cast members from the congregation.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be administered during the service. Call 704-279-4655 to reserve free tickets. The eveningís offering will go to Food for the Poor.
Other Holy week services at Christiana include:
Palm Sunday, 10:30 a.m., Blessing of the Palms, congregational procession.
Good Friday: 7:30 p.m..
Easter Sunrise: 6:30 a.m., breakfast in fellowship hall afterwards, courtesy of the Lutheran Men.
Easter worship service: 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion.
Christiana is located on Hwy. 52, 5 miles from I-85 across from Old Stone Winery and near East Rowan.
Call 704-279-465 for more information.
Blessing of God
LEXINGTON ó Guest speaker Pastor John Cade along with the choir and congregation of Files Chapel Baptist Church will be at The Blessing of God Ministry at 3 p.m., Sunday, April 17.
The Blessing of God Ministry is located at 412 Westside Drive. For more information call 336-853-5239.
First Free Will Baptist
LANDIS ó First Free Will Baptist Church will observe Friends and Family Day on Sunday, April 17, with a covered dish following our morning worship service. There will be no evening service that night.
The church is at 414 Upright St.
Haven Lutheran
Haven Lutheran Church, 207 W Harrison St., observes Holy Week on Palm Sunday, April 17, at 10:30 a.m., with choir and hand bell anthem.
Maundy Thursday, April 21, 7 p.m.: stripping of the altar.
Good Friday, April 22, 7 p.m., choir anthem ěSeven Last Words from the Cross,î composer Anne Quigley, sung in Latin and English.
Easter Sunday, April 24, breakfast at 8:45 a.m.
Easter service, 10:30 a.m., with bell choir and choir.
Lutherís Lutheran
Lutherís Lutheran Church will hold its annual community Easter egg hunt and celebration on Saturday April 16, at 5 p.m. at the church on Stokes Ferry Road. [0x14]The egg hunt is for kids of all ages, with live music and free dinner of hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill plus sides. There will also be prizes. In case of rain, the egg hunt will be held inside the church.
Lutherís Lutheranís Holy Week services begin on Thursday April 21 with Maundy Thursday dinner and worship at 6 p.m. with Holy Communion and the traditional Stripping of the Altar.
On Friday April 22 is a candlelight Tenebrae Service at 7 p.m. On Easter Sunday is a Sunrise Service at 7 a.m., free Easter breakfast at 8, Sunday school at 10 and a traditional Communion service at 11 a.m.
Call Pastor Carol Yeager at 704-754-6287 for directions or questions.
St. Paulís Episcopal
St. Paulís will hold its Palm Sunday service on April 17 at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Rick Williams, Vicar, officiating along with guest celebrant, the Rev. Nelson Hodgkins. After the service will be refreshments and fellowship in the parish hall.
Later in the week, Father Rick conducts the Maundy Thursday service with the traditional washing of feet, beginning at 7 p.m. On Good Friday the service will begin at noon and includes The Stations of the Cross.
St. Paulís is located at 930 South Main St. at the corner of Harrison Street. Parking is located behind the church.
Woodleaf UMC
WOODLEAF ó The York Family will be performing at Woodleaf United Methodist Church on Sunday night, April 17, at Woodleaf UMC. Singing begins at 6 p.m., refreshments and fellowship follow.
The church is located at 9000 Church St. From Salisbury, take Woodleaf Road (cross 801) to Cool Springs Rd, turn right on Stadium Street.
Oakland Heights Seder
Dr. Oscar Ramirez and the Oakland Heights Congregation will host a Passover feast in conjunction with Trading Ford Baptist Church, 3600 Long Ferry Road.
The meal is at 7 p.m., Friday, April 22 at Trading Ford. The cost is $14 per person for a fully catered family event with traditional Jewish music. RSVP is necessary at 704-633-5986.
To get to Trading Ford Baptist, take I-85 exit 81, turn east onto Long Ferry Road and go 3 miles to the church which is on the left.
Gayís Chapel UMC
Gayís Chapel United Methodist Church will have a bake sale to raise money for an audio/video system for the church. The fundraiser will be at Sun Trust Bank on Statesville Blvd. on April 23 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Tax deductible donations may be mailed to Witness Committee, Gayís Chapel United Methodist Church, 5545 Woodleaf Road.
Mt. Zion Lutheran
RICHFIELD ó Mt. Zion Lutheran Church will observe Holy Week beginning the morning of Palm Sunday, April 17, with the procession of palms and a congregational reading of the Passion according to St. Matthew. That night, a light supper will be served at 6 p.m., followed by a folk mass at 7 p.m.
Services on Maundy Thursday, which includes Holy Communion, and Good Friday will be held at 7:30 p.m. Call the church at 704-463-7280 or visit for more information.
Oakdale Baptist
SPENCER ó The adult choir of the Oakdale Baptist Church, 200 Charles St., will present the cantata ěThe King Is Coming!î on Sunday, April 17 at 11 a.m.
Ordination Service
EAST SPENCER ó Pastor Frank and co-pastor Belinda Smith and members of Greater Mount Olive FGB Church will host the ordination service for Deaconess Elect-Althea Hill on April 17 at 4 p.m. Guest speaker will be Overseer Richard C. Miller and the congregation of Holy Trinity FGB Church in Winston-Salem.
Greater Mount Olive is located at 307 N. Long St.
St. Paulís Lutheran
St. Paulís Lutheran Church, 205 St. Paulís Church Road, Salisbury will observe Holy Week with a Palm Sunday service on April 17 at 10:30 a.m.; a Maundy Thursday service on April 21 at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Good Friday services on April 22 at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; and celebrating Easter with two worship services on Sunday, April 24, with a sunrise service at 6:30 a.m. and the Easter service at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary.
First Presbyterian
Kannapolis ó First Presbyterian Church in Kannapolis will present the Holy Week cantata ěTriumphal Entryî on Palm Sunday, April 17, during the 10:55 a.m. service.
This is an original compilation of songs and dramatic scenes from the last week of Jesusí earthly ministry, provided by the Chancel Choir, along with the Middle School Youth Choir and the Kidz Khoir. The Music Ministry is under the direction of Dr. Don Simmons. The dramatic presentations will be provided by members of the congregation.
A Passover Seder meal will be held on Thursday, April 21, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall, followed by a traditional Maundy Thursday Communion service.
There is no set charge for the meal, but donations are appreciated. Reservations are requested to help with planning. RSVP to 704-938-4623.
The worship service after the supper will center on the celebration of the Lordís Supper. Call 704-938-4623 or visit
Faith Lutheran
FAITHó Faith Lutheran Church, 205 S. Main St., will observe Palm Sunday at both the 8:45 FaithWorks service and the 11 a.m. traditional service. A palm processional will begin the traditional service; worshippers are asked to assemble on the lawn before the 11 a.m service.
Affirmation of Baptism will be observed with confirmands Caleb Barger, Garrett Ingold and Avery Wright professing their faith as adult members of the church. Following the worship service the confirmands and all new members will be honored at a covered dish luncheon.
Holy Week services begin with Maundy Thursday worship in the nave beginning at 7:30 p.m., with Holy Communion. On Good Friday, a service of darkness will be held at 7:30 p.m. also in the church nave.
First Baptist Church
Salisburyís First Baptist Church observes Holy Week services on:
Palm Sunday, April 17, at 11 a.m. with ěInto All the World,î a missions musical presented by the Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra;
Maundy Thursday Communion, April 21 at 7 p.m.;
Easter Sunday, April 24 at 8:30 and 11 a.m.
Progressive Outreach
Progressive Outreach Ministry, 600 N. Long St., will host a fellowship service on Sunday, April 17 at 4 p.m. Guest speaker is the Rev. Carolyn Bratton, pastor of Mooreís Chapel AME Zion Church. Pastor Bratton will be accompanied by the ushers, choir and congregation. For information, contact Pastor Nasby Mills Jr. at 704-633-0137.
Sacred Heart
Holy Week at Sacred Heart Catholic Church begins with the blessing of the palms at all Masses this Sunday.
Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday, Masses are at 7 a.m. There will be a 10 a.m. Chrism Mass at St. Patrickís Cathedral in Charlotte on Tuesday. Wednesdayís Mass will be followed by breakfast.
Thursday at 7 p.m. is the Mass of the Lordís Supper, with transfer of the Blessed Sacrament, the solemn stripping of the altar and sanctuary and adoration until midnight.
Good Friday includes Stations of the Cross at noon, confessions from 12:30-2:30 p.m. and the Passion service at 3 p.m.
On Holy Saturday, confessions will be offered 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blessing of the Easter Food Baskets will take place at 1 p.m.
There will be no 5:30 p.m. mass.
The Easter Vigil begins at 8 p.m. Saturday, with the blessing of the new fire and Paschal candle, blessing of the baptismal water, baptisms and confirmations of candidates joining the church, the first Mass of Easter and the solemn Gloria and Alleluia.
Easter Sunday Masses will be at the regular times, 8 and 10:30 a.m.; 12:30 p.m. in Spanish, and 4 p.m.
New Hope Lutheran
KANNAPOLIS ó The Prayer Labyrinth at New Hope Lutheran Church, 1615 Brantley Road, will be open for a Holy Week Walk Monday, April 18, from 6:30-8 p.m.
There will also be an Easter egg hunt Saturday, April 23, from 10 a.m. to noon. Bring your Easter basket.
For more information, go to newhope or call 704-932-3716.
Salem Lutheran
Salem Lutheran Resurrection Celebration and Easter Egg Hunt includes a hot dog dinner (guest may bring a dessert), music, games and an inspirational art presentation ofî The Three Trees,î a childrenís Easter story, on Sunday, April 17, from 4-6 p.m.
Holy Week services are: Palm Sunday at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m.; Maundy Thursday at 7 p.m.; Good Friday at 7 p.m.; Easter sunrise at 7 a.m. followed by breakfast; Easter at 10:30 a.m.
Salem is located at 5080 Sherrills Ford Road. For details call 704-636-0352 or email Pastor Doug Hefner at
Solid Rock
Solid Rock Church of God will hold pre-Resurrection Day services on Thursday, April 21 at 7 p.m. The Message will be delivered by the Rev. Samuel A. Washington, pastor. The service will also include foot washing and the Lordís Supper. Solid Rock is located at 1002 Locke St. For information, call 704-645-1782. .
Holy Week in Spencer
SPENCER ó The Spencer Community Council of Churches celebrates Holy Week with services focusing on ěJesusí Seven Last Words.î
Spencer locations are Calvary Lutheran Church, 303 Fifth St.; Central United Methodist Church, 200 Fourth St.; Dorsett Chapel Church, 1280 Hollywood Drive; First Baptist Church, 215 Fifth St.; Oakdale Baptist Church, 200 Charles St.; Spencer Presbyterian Church, 113 First St.
Sunday, April 17, 7 p.m.: Palm Sunday evening service, Spencer Presbyterian Church; guest preacher the Rev. Ross OíNeal, Central United Methodist Church. Light refreshments follow.
Monday-Friday, noon time service: bring a bag lunch and stay for fellowship, drinks and desserts provided by that dayís host church, as follows Monday, April 18: Central United Methodist Church, The Rev. Barrie Kirby, guest preacher Tuesday, April 19: Oakdale Baptist Church; the Rev. Carrie Bishop, guest preacher Wednesday, April 20: First Baptist Church; Vicar Angie Jackson, guest preacher Maundy Thursday, April 21: Dorsett Chapel Church; the Rev. Richard Gross, guest preacher Good Friday, April 22: Calvary Lutheran Church; the Rev. Thomas Wyatt, guest preacher.
Other Spencer services:
Calvary Lutheran Church, 303 Fifth St., The Rev. Carrie Bishop.
11 a.m. Palm Sunday (April 17) worship with Congregational Procession of Palms, Reading of the Passion and Holy Communion; 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday service (April 21) with Holy Communion, footwashing and the Order for Stripping of the Altar; 7 p.m. Good Friday Tenebrae service (April 22); 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturday, April 23, Calvary meets at Dan Nicholas Park (Shelter 3) for annual Easter egg hunt, cookout and Easter Vigil Celebration designed for the children of the community; 7 a.m. Easter Sunrise service (April 24), followed by breakfast; 10:30 a.m. Easter Festival of the Resurrection/Easter Day, with Holy Communion.
First Baptist Church, 215 Fifth St., The Rev. Franklin Myers.
11 a.m. Palm Sunday worship and Easter Cantata ěHallelujah Praise the Lambî by the Worship Choir, with Holy Communion.
Spencer Presbyterian Church, 113 First St., the Rev. Barrie Kirby.
The 11 a.m. Palm Sunday worship will be followed by dinner in the fellowship hall; 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday service, with Sacrament of the Lordís Supper in the fellowship hall; 11 a.m. April 24, Easter service.
Interdenominational Fellowship
The Interdenominational Fellowship of Area Churches will sponsor Passion/Holy Week Services April 18-22 at New Zion Baptist Church, 2758 Dunns Mountain Road. The Rev. Paul Jones Sr. is host Pastor. Services begin each night at 7 p.m. Monday through Thursdayís speakers are:
The Rev. R. Thomas Wyatt, Dorsett Chapel United; Dr. Grant Harrison, Soldiers Memorial AME Zion; The Rev. David Bracken, Jerusalem Baptist; The Rev. Leamon Brown, First Calvary Baptist.
The Celebration of the Lordís Supper will be observed on Thursday, April 21 and the Good Friday service begins at 7 p.m. with meditations on the theme ěAt the Cross: Events that Happened at the Crucifixion.î
For more information or transportation, contact New Zion Baptist Church, 704-637-9324 for Holy Week Services, and First Calvary Baptist Church, 704-633-2818 for the Sunrise Service.
New Hope AME Zion
The Rev. Kirk A. Reid and the members of New Hope AME Zion Church will conduct Good Friday worship service with the Rev. Donne Kent of Third Creek A.M.E. Zion Church of Cleveland, at New Hope, April 22, beginning at 7 pm. All choirs and the community are invited to worship and participate in congregant Easter hymns and songs with the presentation of the The Seven Last Words of Christ by the New Hope A.M.E. Zion Christian Education Department.