Children's author at library Thursday
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tutus, happy walking and first-grade adventures are all found in author Stephanie Greene’s adorable stories of Princess Posey. Greene is the author of the popular Owen Foote, Sophie Hartley and Christmas Stoney Creek.
Over the years in her travels, Greene has spotted pin, purple, green and blue princesses everywhere she goes — in libraries, at schools, in airports and on city streets. She is delighted to introduce them all to Posey, and hopes they will become fast friends.
Princess Posey was included in the Center for Children’s Books Choice Book list for 2011.
On Thursday, Greene will be the featured guest at a Princess Party at Rowan Public Library from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The public is invited to this free event which will feature refreshments, activities and an opportunity to buy books for Greene to sign.
On Friday, she will present programs on the joys and adventures of being an author to 400 students from the 20 Rowan-Salisbury elementary schools. Her presentation is “Spying as a Creative Writing Tactic.” She says, “Kids love to spy. So do I. I let them know I’m spying on them as I talk and may well use some of their bizarre behavior in a book. I talk about my wacky childhood, and birth order, and what they can learn from watching their families that they can use in their own writing, and plots, and characters, and — yes — the dreaded revision. I use the Owen Foote books, as well as the Princess Posey and Mose and Hildy books.”
Greene’s visit to Rowan County is made possible through the Rowan Children’s Literature Guild, The Rowan Salisbury Schools Media Services Department and the Rowan Public Library.