Workshop on widening Old Beatty Ford Road

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Old Beatty Ford Road is a narrow road that connects residents in Rowan County with Kannapolis, China Grove, Rockwell, Landis and northern Cabarrus County.
The number of fatal accidents and crashes causing injuries is higher on this road than on other similar roads across the state. To improve safety, the N.C. Department of Transportation plans to widen the lanes along 7.4 miles of the road to bring it up to a modern design standard.
“This road has evolved from an old wagon trail back in the early 1900s, and its design does not meet the needs of today’s traveling public,” said NCDOT Division 9 Engineer Pat Ivey. “By making improvements, we can help lower the risk of accidents and provide a safer commute for motorists.”
NCDOT will share information about the project with citizens at a workshop on Tuesday, April 12. It will start at 4:30 p.m. at Bostian Elementary School, which is located at 4245 Old Beatty Ford Road in China Grove, and end at 7 p.m. Citizens are welcome to drop in at any time during those hours.
During the meeting, there will be no formal presentation. NCDOT staff members will talk one-on-one with citizens about the goals of the project and use maps to show where the department will conduct environmental studies prior to construction. The department encourages citizens to ask questions and offer feedback on the project.
The project will focus on a 7.4-mile stretch of Old Beatty Ford Road between Lentz Road and Lower Stone Church Road. It will widen the lanes, which now range from 9-11 feet in width, to the current design standard of 12 feet and build 4-foot-wide paved shoulders. NCDOT will need to acquire right of way for the project along this entire section of the road.
For additional information, contact Karen Reynolds, NCDOT Project Planning Engineer, at 1548 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1548, via telephone at (919) 707-6038 or by email at
NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in this meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Reynolds as soon as possible, so proper arrangements can be made prior to the workshop.