Letters to the editor – Thursday (12-10-09)
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Yon’s brazen move unlikely to succeed
As a relative newcomer to Salisbury, I enjoy reading and learning about the local politics in the Salisbury Post. In my four-plus years here, one thing I have learned is that Rowan County has a very strong-willed and outspoken Board of County Commissioners.
Hence, if the Post article is correct, and given the personalities of the county commissioners, I am astounded by the obtuseness or lack of political awareness exhibited by Tony Yon in his quest to be appointed sheriff of Rowan County. He was pretty bellicose toward the county commissioners, issuing demands to be appointed that they better not go against the wishes of the people. Pretty brazen stuff for someone who finished dead last in the GOP primary in 2006. That is like waving a red flag at a bull.
I will be very surprised if the commissioners submit to the threats issued, especially since the commissioners are under no obligation to accept the GOP executive committee’s recommendation. Yon probably would have had a better chance if he treated the commissioners with the respect their elected position deserves. Now it can be fair to ask if he actually has the disposition to be appointed to such a visible public position. He definitely stumbled coming out of the gate. Logically speaking, I believe the GOP executive committee should have nominated the runner-up of the 2006 primary to the position, not the fifth place candidate. That would truly be a reflection of the wishes of the people.
ó Michael G. Cobb
I’m outraged, too
After having read quotes from Tony Yon’s emails to fellow Republican Executive Committe members in Tuesday’s Salisbury Post about being “outraged,” I, too, have decided that I am also outraged, but for much different reasons.
I am outraged that Tony Yon thinks the county commissioners must react as the Republican Executive Committee has “directed” them to do with their vote for him this past Saturday.
I am outraged that Tony Yon is attempting to use his bully pulpit to intimidate our county commissioners into appointing him sheriff for the remainder of George Wilhem’s term.
I am outraged by his “predictions” in emails to other committee members that the commissioners’ failure to follow the comittee’s “direction” will result in loss of Republican control of the county commission. He might find more success prognosticating football scores for the Las Vegas gambling syndicate or predicting the first snowfall.
I maintain the 2006 GOP primary in which Tony Yon netted a miniscule 5 percent of the vote is ample evidence of Rowan County’s confidence in his abilities to discharge the office of sheriff.
I support the county commissioners’ current choice to NOT replace Chief Deputy Kevin Auten at this time. I suggest the county commissioners leave Kevin Auten in charge of the Sheriff’s Office for the rest of Wilhelm’s term and fully resist Tony Yon’s attempts to bully his way into office. He certainly won’t make it into the Sheriff’s Office if my vote depends on it.
ó Bryce Brown
China Grove
Connect the dots?
I read the article twice regarding the (attempted) self-appointment of Tony Yon to sheriff of Rowan County. I’m still hoping I got something wrong. He was the chairman of the Rowan County Republican Executive Committee which “elected” him Saturday to fill George Wilhelm’s vacancy. Then he threatened the Republican county commissioners with loss of their offices in the next election if they do not confirm his “self-appointment.”
Excuse me, but that is not the type person I want for a sheriff. Behind-the-door politics, threats and intimidation do not make a good first impression with the voters. And we, the voters, are the ones who will ultimately decide who our sheriff will be. As I said earlier, I hope I have something wrong. If not, I see this as a huge embarrassment for the Republican party in Rowan County. And what in the world does having Tony Yon as sheriff have to do with defeating Rep. Lorene Coates? Someone needs to help me connect the dots on that one!
ó Hank Smith