Sara drake column: 4-H honors youth, adults

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Volunteers and members of Rowan County 4-H “Discovered the Treasure of 4-H” during its Achievement Night Saturday, Feb. 23. The annual event is an opportunity to recognize accomplishments of participants.
During the past year, Rowan County 4-H formed two new 4-H clubs, the Hot Shots 4-H Shooting Sports Club and the ROC (Rowan Outreach Center) 4-H Club.
4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. This learning and skill development is facilitated by the numerous volunteers who touch the lives of youth.
Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give.” Volunteer leaders are a vital part of the success of 4-H. Rowan County 4-H had the honor of recognizing more than 40 volunteers who work with the youth of Rowan County.
It is also a privilege to recognize the youth who participate in the 4-H program. We began the evening by recognizing the youth who are involved in 4-H clubs. Forty-nine new 4-H club members were recognized, along with over 60 members who have participated for at least a year.
Following our club recognition, there were many special awards for members including 4-H project records, achievement certificates, club charters and recognition of graduating seniors. Youth who participated in the numerous county, district and state workshops and trainings were also recognized.
The Rowan County Wildlife Association was recognized as a Friend of 4-H for its assistance with our newly formed shooting sports club. Accepting the award on their behalf was Steve Karriker.
A very special award was also given out to two individuals who are truly outstanding in their 4-H work and possess the true spirit of 4-H. Alex Hipp was recognized as the Female 4-H Member of the Year and Nick Barlow received the honor of Male 4-H Member of the Year.
The evening program concluded with an officer installation ceremony. For more information about 4-H or N.C. Cooperative Extension, call the Rowan Extension office at 704-216-8970 or visit