Faith Legion Post barbecue fundraiser tickets on sale now

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Faith Legion Post sets barbecue fundraiser
FAITH ó Faith American Legion Post 327 will be selling barbecue turkeys and shoulders for its annual fall fundraiser.
Tickets, available through Nov. 24, are $28 for turkeys averaging 12 pounds And $3.75 per pound cooked weight for shoulders averaging 12 to 15 pounds pre-cooked weight.
A $10 deposit is required for shoulders. Pickup order from 7 to 9 a.m. Thanksgiving morning at the Faith post.
Funds go to American Legion activities such as the Junior ROTC and Boys and Girls State. Most recently. the Faith Post purchased and sent phone cards to troops in Iraq.
Tickets can be purchased at Tom’s Hairport in Faith or by calling 704-279-5881 or Greg Peeler, post service officer, at 704-279-5469.