Education: Boys Nation officer
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Miles Jordan of Salisbury has been appointed to the position of Sergeant-at-Arms of the American Legion Boys Nation Senate during the July 20 senate session at Marymount University in Arlington, Va.
His duties and responsibilities include maintaining or restoring order in the senate and other duties incidental to the proper functioning of the senate as directed by the presiding officer.
The Boys Nation program provides a week of government training in the nation’s capital, comprised of lectures and forums with visits to federal agencies, institutions, memorials and historical sites. Experience of the political process is gained through the organization of party conventions, the introduction and debate on bills and resolutions and the election of an American Legion Boys Nation president and vice president.
Participants were selected for the 2008 program based on their academic record, leadership potential and previous activities associated with the American Legion Boys State program in each participant’s state.
Jordan was one of two delegates to Tar Heel Boys State selected to attend Boys Nation, representing his home state as a senator. A rising senior at Salisbury High School, he is the son of Stan and Sandy Jordan of Salisbury.