County ponders policy banning employees from seeking public office

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009

By Jessie Burchette
After a meeting that lasted more than four hours earlier this month, the Rowan County Board of Commissioners is hoping for a shorter session Tuesday night.
Commissioners have only four items of business on the agenda for discussion.
The board is scheduled to talk about possible assistance for laid-off workers and a policy that would ban county employees from seeking public office.
For a large part of the county, the biggest item on the agenda will be the board’s recognition of the West Rowan High School football team, which won the 3A State Championship.
Commissioner Tina Hall will present information related to county employees seeking public office.
County Manager Gary Page noted in a memo that there have been complaints from citizens about full-time county employees running for elected office.
And Page noted the possibility of a sitting county commissioner becoming a county employee has also sparked complaints.
In the memo, Page said the county does not have a policy that prohibits an employee from seeking public office, nor does it have one that would prevent a commissioner from becoming a county employee.
Current county policy only bans county employees from engaging in political activity while on duty.
Other counties have tackled the issue in different ways.
Henderson County prohibits any county employee from serving in an elected position or being a candidate for elected office.
Wilkes County allows employees to seek elected office while working for the county, but says they cannot serve in elected office while employed by the county.
In other business, the board will consider approval of budget amendments.
The Rowan County Board of Commissioners meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Cohen Administrative Offices Building, 130 W. Innes St.
Contact Jessie Burchette at 704-797-4254.