
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Salisbury man reports recent burglary

Frederick Robert Tucker reported a burglar broke into 300 Harrell St. between Jan. 5 and 10.

In other Salisbury Police reports:

* Billy Eugene Kee, 29, was charged Jan. 10 with assault, larceny and possession of drug paraphernalia at Wal-Mart, 323 S. Arlington St.

* Vandals damaged the brick around the sign at Church of God, 1004 Locke St., between Jan. 7 and 10.

* Someone broke into a Charlotte Observer newspaper box at 275 Bendix Drive Jan. 11.

* A truck and appliance dolly were stolen from Country Cones U-haul, 4120 S. Main St., between Dec. 30 and Jan. 11.

* Ian Austin Wilson, 17, 725 Holmes St., was charged Jan. 11 with shoplifting and misdemeanor larceny of wines from Food Lion, 123 Mahaley Ave., He was held under $300 secured bond pending a Feb. 8 trial date.

Burglar damages roof for $20 in candy

A burglar removed roofing to break into Ellis Crossroads Grocery, 2040 E. Ridge Road, Jan. 15.

The suspect set off the alarm, but managed to take $20 worth of candy before escaping.

In other Sheriff’s Office reports:

* Dwayne Lynn Jenkins, 1248 Meadowcreek Drive, China Grove, reported his checkbook was stolen from his truck while it was parked at his home between Sept. 30 and Nov. 16.

* Chad Everett James, 990 Old Linn Road, China Grove, reported a burglar broke into his home Jan. 10 or 11 by prying open the back door. Items valued at $1,130 were stolen.

* Richard Beron Harrison, 33, 125 Oak Ridge Run, was charged Jan. 13 with assault on a female based on a complaint by Christy Lynn Harrison, same address. He was held pending a bond hearing. Trial date is Feb. 15.