Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wisdom amasses 15,000 Masterpoints
Salisburian Bill Wisdom and two other American Contract Bridge League members are featured in the August ACBL Bulletin for passing the 15,000 Masterpoint mark. Bill has represented our District 7 more than 10 times in the North American Pairs national competition and placed third in Pittsburgh in 2005. We extend our congratulations.
June Evans and Billy Burke placed first in the weekly duplicate game last Tuesday evening at the Salisbury Woman’s Club.
Other winners were: Margaret and Charles Rimer, second; Ellna Simpson Elton and Loyd Hill, third; Stella Shadroui and Lucy Brown, fourth.
This was the deal on Board 7 from Tuesday’s game:
South dealer, both sides vulnerable.
7 5 4 10 5
u J 6 5 3
K Q 10 6
Q 9 K 2
Q 9 3 K J 6 4 2
u K Q 10 2 u A 9 8 7 4
A 9 8 4 2
A J 10 8 6 3
A 8 7
u ó
J 7 5 3
Myrnie and John McLaughlin fulfilled a four-diamonds-doubled contract for the best E/W score on this deal.
Linda and Dick Euler made a three spades contract for the top N/S score.
In the Evergreen Club’s July 27 duplicate game, Ellna Simpson Elton and Loyd Hill placed first N/S and high overall. Jean Hill and Loren Parkingston were first E/W.
Other winners were: N/S ó Dick Euler and Joe O’Brien, second; Ruth Bowles and Judy Gealy, third. E/W ó Hope Davis and Harriett Bolstad, second; Myrnie and John McLaughlin, third.
Join us each Tuesday for enjoyable bridge fellowship. Game time is 7 p.m.
n n nBilly Burke is ACBL, Life Master director of the Salisbury Woman’s Club weekly duplicate games.