Chris Verner column: Burr says reform needed, but with care

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 1, 2009

When the Salisbury Post asked readers what questions they would like to ask Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), it’s no surprise the bulk of the responses concerned health-care reform. That’s been the major issue people want to talk about in his recent travels around the state and the country, Burr said.
Burr’s Senate assignments include the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Although he acknowledges the need for health-care reform, he doesn’t believe the Democratic proposals on the table are the way to do it. He’s concerned about their longterm costs and impact on the deficit, as well as potential limitations on individual health-care choices.
Along with Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK.), he introduced the Patients’ Choice Act, which he describes as a health-reform bill that would promote universal access to affordable health care without adding new debt or taxes.
Here are his answers to some of your questions. You can find a fuller transcript with additional questions on our Web site. Go to and click on “Opinion.”
Q. Your proposal to “fix” our broken healthcare system consists mainly of the idea to give tax credits to people who buy health insurance. How can tax credits work for those below the poverty line and the working uninsured who can’t afford to pay out of their pockets? (Agnes Bryan)
A. The tax-credit mechanism that Senator Coburn and I proposed is a refundable credit. It would go to everybody, regardless of income, employment or where anyone lives. We establish the uniformity of the credit so that every American has the same starting point. We believe the application of taxpayer money constitutionally requires us to apply it fairly.
The refundable tax credit would go to each person at the beginning of the year, and it could be used for only two things: direct reimbursement of health expenses, including insurance coverage, and secondly, (to pay for) the tax consequences of an employer-provided health plan.
The whole objective is to empower individuals to have more control over how their health dollars are spent.
Q. You receive more campaign contributions from the health-care industry than any other member of the N.C. congressional delegation. How can you say this money has nothing to do with your unyielding position against meaningful health-care reform to help the poor and the uninsured? (Michael Burton)
A. Let me just say, that figure (campaign contributions) is derived from across pharmaceutical, biomedical, medical device and insurance areas. Three out of four of those cut a deal with the administration, or are in favor of, the legislation currently going through Congress. If the claim is that those contributions influence how I vote, I would have to be in favor of what the administration is proposing, not opposed to it, because the same individuals who contributed to me are in favor of the administration’s proposals.
I’d also point out that health care is the largest employer in North Carolina. If I didn’t have overwhelming support from health care financially, I’d be very concerned, given the number of individuals who are included in the calculation of money raised. We’re talking about people employed in the pharmaceutical and health care industry, about doctors and nurses, about those involved in health-care research.
Q. When will you introduce legislation so that the members of Congress have the same medical and retirement benefits as the common citizens have now? (Gary Penley)
A. The Patients Choice Act establishes insurance guideless that are equivalent to the coverage offered through the federal employees benefit plan (which applies to members of Congress). It would establish such coverage as the minimum standard for policies available to all Americans .
I’m also already on record as stating that whatever reforms Congress passes should also apply to members of Congress.
Q. We’re seeing some signs that the recession may be winding down. What needs to happen to have a sustainable recovery and increase employment?
A. I don’t believe the economic recovery will be sustainable until we have a sustainable recovery in housing prices. Housing is the largest asset held by most Americans, and that will drive their level of confidence as it relates to their consumption of goods. I’m concerned that what we’re seeing now may be from a temporary purchase of inventory needed by companies, and that may be giving us a false sense of the level of sustainable economic growth. I still believe this administration has underestimated the importance of stabilizing housing prices.
Regarding employment, most businesses that I talk to suggest that we’ve got to maintain 3 percent growth or better for a sustained period of at least six to nine months before it will generate any interest in rehiring.
Q. What about the stimulus packages? Is there anything more that needs to be done legislatively?
A. If I could do it tomorrow, I would immediately do a recision of all the stimulus package money that is not already obligated, redirecting 50 percent of it to infrastructure projects and 50 percent to pay down the deficit. I think that combination, putting more of it into areas that would create jobs immediately, would be positively received by the American consumer.
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Chris Verner is editorial page editor of the Salisbury Post.