Letters: Quint 3 to the rescue at house fire
Published 12:00 am Friday, July 10, 2009
Quint 3 to the rescue after house fire
Just wanted to write in appreciation of the fire departments that responded to the Camelot Drive fire a week ago tonight. It was very hard watching our neighbor’s home in flames around 8:30 last Tuesday evening.
What was very comforting to me after the fire was finally out was to have the Quint 3 fire engine from the Salisbury Fire Department stay all night between our house and their house, just in case any fire started up again.
Just looking out the window and seeing those low blinking lights made me very appreciative of the care that is taken in a neighborhood after a fire.
God bless Quint 3 and all the fire fighters who work so hard to protect us.
ó Sue Hartgrove
Freedom fighters
Allow me to offer my personal commendation to the Salisbury Post for permitting the informative feature, “In God We Trust,” to be printed in the July 4 issue.
An additional note of interest along these same lines is the little known fact that James Madison, along with Pastor John Leland and the Baptists in Virginia are largely responsible for our First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. This bit of information has been squelched in our misinformed age of “revisionist history.” God have mercy on us as a nation!
Though the hearts (and heads) of the atheists and infidels be as hard as an adamant stone, they still labor in vain to break through the wall of history which refuses to be revised to neatly accommodate their vicious unbelief and prejudices.
ó Mitch L. Canupp