Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 2, 2009
Faith 4th ó Rides, food booths, entertainment, “Faith Idol.” Parade is 10 a.m. Saturday, fireworks 10:30 p.m.
Southeast Old Thresher’s Reunion ó Through July 4, Denton FarmPark. Largest antique farm equipment and steam engine show.
Liberty’s July Celebration ó July 11, downtown Liberty. Craft, art and food vendors, music stage, children’s play place at Liberty School. Fireworks at 9:15 p.m. Rain date is June 18.
An Appalachian Summer festival ó June 27-July 25 in Boone. Music, dance, theatre, visual arts, film. 800-841-ARTS.
Grandfather Mountain Highland Games ó July 9-12.
“The Phantom of the Opera” ó 7:30 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday; 8 p.m. Friday; 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday; 2 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday, June 10-July 5. 704-372-1000.
“You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” Old Courthouse Theatre ó 7 p.m. July 2-4; 2:30 p.m. July 5. 49 Spring Street NW, Concord. 704-788-2405.
Mamma Mia! ó July 28-Aug. 2, Belk Theater, Blumenthal performing Arts Center, Charlotte. 704-372-1000.
Music and more
Cruize Control Band ó 7-10 p.m., July 3. Beach, boogie, blues. Rocky RiverVineyards, 11685 Reed Mine Road, Midland. $20 includes appetizers and glass of wine. 704-781-5035.
23-19 at Faith 4th ó 8 p.m. July 3, old bandstand in Faith.
“America-We Must Not Forget” ó 3 p.m., July 5. Presented by the Singing Americans of Stanly County. Stanly County Agri-Civic Center. free admission, donations appreciated.
Jeremy Aggers with Cain and Annabelle ó 9 p.m., July 10. Looking Glass Artist Collective, 405 N. Lee St. $5. 704-245-2302.
Charlotte Folk Society’s annual Old Time Music Jam and Ice Cream Social ó 1-4 p.m., July 12, on the grounds of Rosedale Plantation. Free. 704-563-7080.
Rascal Flatts with guest Darius Rucker ó Aug. 1, Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre, Charlotte.
The Avett Brothers ó 7:30 p.m., Aug. 8. Bojangles Coliseum, Charlotte. $30 and $25 in advance. 800-745-3000.
“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967)” ó 7 p.m., July 16, First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, enter at 308 W. Fisher St. Free, no reservation needed. Movie features Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Sidney Poitier. Sponsored by Center for Faith and the Arts. 704-647-0999.
“Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ń The IMAX® Experience” ó Through July 28 in the IMAX® Dome Theatre in Discovery Place, Charlotte. Rated PG-13.
Drawing and painting class ó 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays beginning July 7. St. Enoch Lutheran Church, Enochville. $10 per class. Taught by Diane Overcash. 704-933-5432 or 704-932-8461.
Beginning painting workshop for ages 8-12 ó 1-3 p.m., July 11. Carolyn Kirkman leads. Limited to eight participants. $22.
“A Wicked Workshop: Keyboard Classes with a Wicked Twist” ó 9 a.m.-noon, Aug. 3-6. Featuring music from “Wicked” and “Wizard of Oz.” Ages 7-14, must have had at least one year of piano instruction. Catawba College Music Annex. $75, includes materials. Deadline to register: July 17. 704-881-1565.
Music Camp ó 9 a.m.-3 p.m. July 6-10 and 13-17. Talent showcase 3 p.m. on last day. Jointly sponsored by Rowan Blues and Jazz Society, Amadeus Youth Chorus and St. Lukes Episcopal Church. Ages 8-18. Held at 405 N. Lee St. Includes instrumental and vocal instruction, music theater, theory, dance. Professional musician staff. $150 for two weeks, $100 one week. 704-245-2302.
Chess camp ó 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Aug. 3-7. Ages 8 and up. All levels, beginners welcome. Players paired for tournament play according to ability level. Held at Looking Glass Artist Collective, 405 N. Lee St. Tuition $100, includes $15 registration fee. Bring lunch. 704-639-0471.
Night life The Blue Vine, 209 S. Main St. ó 9 p.m.-midnight Friday: Jeff Luckadoo Trio (, $5 cover, couples get in two for one if they show anything with an American flag on it. Closed July 4. 704-797-0093.
Dirty Water Saloon, 14910 Stokes Ferry Road, Gold Hill ó Friday and Saturday: deejay at 10 p.m. $3 cover. 704-279-4286.
E.H. Montgomery General Store ó 7 p.m. Fridays: Community Night with bluegrass jam, Historic Village of Gold Hill. www.HistoricGoldHill. com. 704-279-5674, 704-267-9439.
Escape the Daily Grind, 316 S. Salisbury Ave., Spencer ó 8-10 p.m., first and second Fridays: Jazz with Rebecca Stinson and Joe Ponds. 704-636-0160.
Fuel Depot Bar and Grill, 2168 Statesville Blvd. ó July 4: The Upside of Down. Grove Inn, 1560 Hwy 29 South, China Grove ó 5-8 p.m., drink specials, deejay dance at 8 p.m. Every Friday: 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. karaoke/deejay dance with Avery Brothers. 704-855-9901.
High Rock Boat & Ski Club, 257 Boat Club Lane ó July 3: deejay Ervin Ellington; July 4th bash with deejay Fast Freddie 2-5 p.m. on the lawn, refreshments, 5-8 p.m.: The Marble Alley Band” and inside appetizer buffet. Open 6 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday. Deejay every Friday and deejay or band every Saturday. 704-633-0251.
The Inn, 1012 Mooresville Hwy 150 ó Closed July 4. 704-213-1467.
Mimosa Restaurant, 117 N. Main St., China Grove ó 704-856-1200.
Three Fifteen, 315 E. Council St. ó July 8: Hellblinki Sextet. 704-633-1315.
The Visulite Theatre, 1615 Elizabeth Ave. N, Charlotte ó July 9: Carbon Leaf; July 10: Buckwheat Zydeco; July 11: Unknown Hinson. 800-594-TIXX.
Piedmont Singles ó Meets 7:15 p.m. Fridays, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. July 3: hot dog supper with all the trimmings. bring assorted items. No joining fee, donations appreciated. Contact Frances Ward 704-637-3241.
Highlighters Dance Club ó July 3: Blax Station, patriotic theme, casual dress. First and third Fridays. Doors open 7 p.m., free line dance class 7:15 p.m. Open to singles 40 and over. Dress code. Heavy hors d’oeuvres served 8 p.m. BYOB. $10 members; $12 guests. Join for $20 and get in free the first night of joining. Non-smoking, dressy casual. American Legion Post 380, 4235 W. Tyvola Road, Charlotte. 704-548-9212.
Piedmont Triad Singles Beach Blast Dance Party ó 8 p.m.-midnight, July 10. George Ks, 2108 Cedar Fork Dr. (corner of High Point and Holden Roads) Greensboro. Casual dress (no short shorts). Deejay playing 70’s, 80’s, beach music, swing. Cash bar, door prizes, ladies choice dances, $12.
Zodiac Club ó Meets second and fourth Fridays. Doors open 7 p.m., food served 8 p.m., live band starts 8:30 p.m.Open to mature singles over 40. $10 members, $12 guests. Dress code-upscale casual. Smoke-free. American Legion Post 380, 4235 West Tyvola Rd. Call 704-752-8824 or contact Visit
Call for artists
Poets are needed to read for the next Jazzy Art and Poetry Night, 5-7 p.m., July 9, at Rail Walk Studios and Gallery, 413 N. Lee St. Call the Rowan Arts Council, 704-638-9887.
N.C. Turkey Festival, Raeford ó Arts and crafts vendors welcome to apply for festival being held Sept. 19. Homemade items only. 910-904-2424.
ArtWaterworks Visual Arts Center, 123 E. Liberty St. ó”Shared Delusions” by Doug McAbee and Barbara Schreiber, recent work of Marge Loudon Moody and Whitney Peckman. Don Green sculpture. Gallery open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday. Groups may arrange guided tour. 704-636-1882.
EastSquare Artworks, 122 E. Innes St. ó Sculpture Works-smaller scale works by the artists currently featured in Salisbury Sculpture Show on display through July by appointment. 704-798-0047.
Rail Walk Studios and Gallery, 409 N. Lee St. ó Next Jazzy Art and Poetry Night is 5-7 p.m., July 9. Gallery open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturdays, and whenever the “open” flag is out. 704-431-8964.
Looking Glass Artist Collective Gallery, 407 N. Lee St. ó Shop featuring art and crafts for sale by members is open 2-6 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, 1-5 p.m. Sunday, and during special events. 704-245-2302.
Green Goat Gallery, 516 S. Salisbury Ave., Spencer ó 704-639-0606. Arts Council Galleries, 65 Union Street, Concord ó “ELEMENTary – The Basics: Air, Earth, Fire Water” through Aug. 13Gallery hours 10 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays. 704-920-ARTS.
Original Art, 21 Union St. S., Concord ó Gallery open 2-10 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. 704-784-1549.
Depot Visual Arts Center, 103 W. Center Ave., Mooresville ó Gallery hours: 1-4 p.m. Tuesday-Sunday. 704-663-6661. www.
Mint Museum of Art, 2730 Randolph Road, Charlotte ó Native American art collection (Grice): “Passionate Journey.” “Masterworks from the New Orleans Museum of Art.” “The Art of Affluence: Haute Coutre and Luxury Fashions 1947-2007,” through spring 2010; Open 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday, noon-5 p.m. Sunday. Admission $10 adults, $8 seniors and students, $5 ages 6 to 17, free for members and children 5 and younger. Admission also valid for Museum of Craft and Design on the same day. 704-337-2000.
Mint Museum of Craft + Design, 220 N. Tryon St., Charlotte ó Admission $10 adults, $8 seniors and students, $5 ages 6 to 17, free for members and children 5 and younger. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, noon-5 p.m. Sunday. 704-337-2000.
McColl Center for Visual Art, 721 N. Tryon St., Charlotte ó 704-332-5535. www.mccollcenter. org.
Reynolda House, Museum of American Art, Reynolda Road, Winston-Salem ó Eastern Music Festival piano recitals July 5 and 26 at 3 p.m. “The Stieglitz Circle: Beyond O’Keefe.” Open 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, 1:30-4:30 p.m. Sunday. $10 adults, $9 seniors, students with ID and children free. 336-725-5150 or
Dan Nicholas Park, 6800 Bringle Ferry Rd. ó Rowan Wildlife Adventures, home of black bears, bobcats, deer and other animals. Reptile center features 4,000 gallon Cheerwine Aquarium. Paddle boats, miniature golf, miniature trains, carousel, Miner Moose Gem Mine, playground, camping year-round, Hurley Splash Pad. 704-216-7800.
Ellis Park, 3541 Old Mocksville Road ó Two ballfields, concession stand, lighted tennis courts, volleyball court, horseshoe pits, bocce courts, game room, shelters, playground. Event center has riding arena and judges tower. A 1.5 mile walking trail connects facilities. Old Ellis Schoolhouse includes game room, ceramics workshop, large dining room with fully-equipped kitchen. Programs include ceramics, karate, horse shows, T-ball, baseball. Therapeutic Recreation division for Rowan County Parks housed here. 704-216-7783.
Gold Hill Mines Historic Park 735 St. Stephens Church Road, Gold Hill ó Located in the heart of the Carolina Gold Rush Territory, the park is home of the Barnhardt Gold Mine, the first mine shaft in the U.S. dug to a depth of 500 feet, and Randolph Gold Mine which was dug to a depth of 850 feet. Gold Hill became know as the richest mining property east of the Mississippi creating one of the first gold rushes in history. Along with the mine shafts, sites in the park include the Gold Hill Jail, c. 1845, the restored Chilean Ore Mill c. 1824 (the only complete ore mill remaining in existence in N.C.), the Assay Office, the Bernhardt Log Barn, the Russell-Rufty Shelter, the Powder House and Gold Hill Pond. The barn and shelter are available for rent for formal and informal public use. Another area of interest is the Gold Hill Rail Trail for hiking and biking enthusiast. The park is open daily until dark. Free. Historic tours of the park are available by appointment. Information about tours: 704-267-9439; rentals: 704-279-5777.
Sloan Park, 550 Sloan Rd. ó Hiking trails, picnic shelters, volleyball courts, softball diamond, playground, Kerr Mill-1823 grist mill that houses a museum of early Americana, Alice Stanback Monument Forest. Open year round from 9 a.m. until dark.
N.C. Transportation Museum, Spencer ó Museum open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday; 1-5 p.m. Sunday. Train rides Monday through Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday 1-5 p.m. $6 adults, $5 children ages 3-12 and seniors ages 60 and up. Roundhouse Turntable rides at $1. Group rates available with advance notice. 704-636-2889 or 877-NCTMFUN.
Rowan Museum, 202 N. Main St. ó Harter Postcard exhibit and “Hats, Handbags and Hankies.” Museum is 1854 courthouse that survived Stoneman’s raid. Displays and interpretive exhibits reflect life and history of Rowan County. Open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. $3 adults, $1.50 students, free museum members. 704-633-5946.
Utzman-Chambers House, 116 S. Jackson St. ó Open 1-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 704-633-5946.
Dr. Josephus Hall House, 226 S. Jackson St. ó 1820 house museum features furniture and decoratives from Hall family and others. Costumed docents provide tours. $3 adults, $1.50 students, free to members of Historic Salisbury Foundation. For group tours, call HSF office, 704-636-0103.
Old Stone House, Granite Quarry ó Open 1- 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 704-633-5946.
Historic Rockwell Museum, 102 E. Main St. ó Photography exhibit. Museum open Sundays 2-4 p.m. and by appointment. For information call Ann Teague: 704-279-5783.
China Grove Roller Mill Museum ó Guided tours 2-4 p.m. second Sunday of each month. Museum is operated by Historical Society of South Rowan. For special tours call 704-433-3912.
Historic Gold Hill,NC/Gold Hill Mines Historic Park ó 19th Century Living History Interpretations and educational tours weekends April-October and weekdays by appointment. Interpretative displays reflect life in the 1800s gold mining boom town. Village merchants and interpreters dressed in period costume weekends. Free admission. 704-279-5674, 704-267-9439.
Fort Dobbs State Historic Site, 438 Fort Dobbs Road, Statesville ó 704-873-5882. www.fortdobbs. org.
Mill Village Museum, Old No. 14 Church St., Cooleemee ó 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday. Large groups by appointment. Operated by Cooleemee Historical Association. 336-284-6040.
Charlotte Museum of History, 3500 Shamrock Dr., Charlotte ó Family-friendly activities 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Regular admission is $6 adults, $5 students and seniors, $3 children 6-12, 5 and under free. Free admission Sundays. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday; 1-5 p.m. Sunday. 704-568-1774.
Historic Latta Plantation, Sample Road, Huntersville ó 10 a.m.-4 p.m., July 11 and 25: gold panning. Museum hours 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, 1-5 p.m. Sunday. $6 adults, $5 seniors and students, free for children under 5. 704-875-2312.
Historic Rosedale Plantation, 3427 N. Tryon St., Charlotte ó Civil War National Register Federal house built circa 1815, excellent example of backcountry NC federal period architecture. Originally part of a 911-acre plantation. $5 adults, $4 students and seniors. Groups of 10 or more $4 per. Guided tours 1, 2 and 3 p.m. Thursday-Sunday. 704-335-0325. www.historicrosedale. org.
Charlotte Nature Museum, 1658 Sterling Road ó Focus on activities for ages 8 and younger. $5. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Friday; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday; noon-5 p.m. Sunday. 704-337-2671.
Discovery Place, Charlotte ó “Circus!” consisting of more than 20 interactive stations. Museum open 9:30 a.m-4 p.m. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, noon-5 p.m. Sunday. 704-372-6261 or
The Schiele Museum of Natural History, 1500 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia ó Museum hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday -Saturday , 1-5 p.m. Sunday. $4 adults, $2 students, seniors 704-866-6900 or
Old Salem, Winston-Salem ó 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 12:30-5 p.m. Sunday. $21 adults, $10 children. 336-721-7300 or
The North Carolina Museum of History, 5 E. Edenton St., Raleigh ó Dale Earnhardt Sr.’s #3 GM Goodwrench Chevrolet on exhibit. “Knights of the Black Flag” includes artifacts from Blackbeard’s ship “Queen Anne’s Revenge.” Free. 919-807-7943.
The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, 11 W. Jones St., Raleigh ó “Chocolate: The Exhibition” is a fully bilingual exhibition May 9-Sept. 7. Visitors can explore the plant, the products and the culture of chocolate through the lenses of science, history and popular culture. There is a charge for the exhibit. Museum admission is free. 919-733-7450.
N.C. Museum of Life and Science, 433 Murray Ave., Durham ó Museum is science-technology center of lifelong learning for people of all ages. $10.85 adult; $8.85 seniors 65 plus and military personnel with ID; $7.85 children age 3-12; free for children age two and younger. Train rides additional $2.50 per person, ornithopher rides $1. 919-220-5429,
Children’s Museum of Winston-Salem, 390 S. Liberty St. ó Museum hours: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, 1-5 p.m. Sunday. $6 adults and children. 336-723-9111 or