Letters to the editor – Saturday (5-16-09)
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 15, 2009
Muzzle complaints about gun shots
It is not illegal to shoot a gun out in the county. Stop calling the Sheriff’s Office to report it when you hear shots fired. It is perfectly acceptable for us country folk to shoot our guns. If you are scared of gunshots, move into the city … wait, scratch that. There’s probably more shots fired there than in the county. Regardless, find something else to complain about. You are wasting our tax dollars.
ó Ross Hagler
In good hands
I just want to thank all of our school-bus drivers for their hard work. You guys are true professionals. Your job cannot be taken lightly, nor can any routine route taken for granted. I have four grandchildren who ride Rowan school buses, and you are loyal, dedicated and a friend to my babies. So a huge thank you.
ó Jerri Honeycutt
Granite Quarry
Still in business
Noting with interest the publicity regarding the transition of the Salisbury Motor Co. from new car dealership status, it is also important to note their commitment to maintain an independent auto-service component.
Coincidentally, the June 2009 edition of Consumer Reports features a survey of the opinions of the motoring public regarding independent vs. dealer auto service facilities. The headline is “Independent service is more satisfying.”
ó D. Robert Trundle
Because of a transcription error, a May 15 letter from Dot Trexler gave an incorrect cost for installing seat belts in school buses. The figure should have been $2,000 per bus.