Letters to the editor – Sunday (2-1-09)
Published 12:00 am Friday, January 30, 2009
Obama, abortion and character
In reference to Deedee Wright’s Jan. 27 letter, “Sadly, some just don’t get it”:
I am one of the many people bothered by the front page coverage of our recent election. My reasons, however, have nothing to do with race, and a general statement concerning “Rowan County’s racists” is an extremely racist statement in itself. My disappointment in our newly elected leader goes much deeper.
I believe we all need to heed the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to “not judge a man by the color of his skin.” This includes, however, all of those who voted for Barack Obama simply because of the color of his skin and not the content of his character.
I am saddened and ashamed that the leader of my country does not believe in the sanctity of life beginning at conception, and does not stand up for the most innocent and helpless of our citizens. God does love us all the same, including the millions of his precious children whose lives have been ended by abortion.
Yes, it is true, sadly, some just don’t get it. Content of character should be first and foremost.
ó Elizabeth Landry
Deer remains were disgusting
Oh, wow! It has been another deer-hunting season for us nonhunters to endure.
Why must hunters always think they have to kill a multitude of deer? One deer per year for each family of hunters is enough.
I’ve noticed that some hunters display their picture with the dead deer in the newspaper to get public attention.
God intended for man to kill deer and similar animals for food purposes only, not for sport, cruelty or to show off. The improper disposal of deer remains is a disgusting practice as well.
This is in regard to the hunting party who left deer remains in a plastic bag on the side of Barnhardt Road during Thanksgiving week.
How would you feel if someone dumped deer remains in your yard? Would you and your family enjoy seeing that nasty mess lying there every time you walk out the door? How do you think it made people feel who had to travel on that road every day until the deer remains decomposed?
I’m sure some of them became nauseated, while the rest of us had a desire to track down the thoughtless guilty party and perform a good old-fashioned whipping on their backsides.
Where is your common sense?
ó Ellie Mae Lambert