Letters to the editor – Saturday (1-3-09)

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 2, 2009

Discover Rowan ó in Arkansas?
I know I live in the past, but am I the only one who sees the irony in the fact that the visitor center’s new www.authenticnc.com Web site promoting Rowan County was produced in Arkansas? Is this not like plastic American flags made in China?
And in case you haven’t noticed, $40,000 is the same amount the city paid for a South Carolina group’s study to “Discover what’s inside.” Who did your reporter interview to discover how positive the results have been for businesses?
We never see the “powers that be” or the city fathers out shopping or eating downtown or taking part in cultural and arts events. Yet “they” make the decisions for us peons. Forty thousand dollars is a small fortune.
The trolley deficit of a mere $1,700 could surely be made up from employee salary raises or bonuses at the visitor center, which was closed the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas ó the busiest days of the year.
Times are hard. We need to put our hard-earned money where the visitors can readily find and enjoy it. And even longtime residents can come back to see us again, ya’ll!
ó Clyde Overcash