Letters to the editor – Wednesday (10-15-08)
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 14, 2008
County landfill is a disgrace
I am always saddened and disappointed when I see piles of debris that people have discarded along the roadside. Littering of any kind is unacceptable and disgraceful! It is incomprehensible to me that people have so little regard, for their own communities and the world in general, as to dump debris along the road.
However, after a recent trip to the landfill on Campbell Road, I discovered an even bigger disgrace! We were instructed to drive past the dumpsters around to the landfill and drive into and through previously discarded debris. I was in complete disbelief as I watched responsible citizens walking through 6-inch deep loose dirt strewn with dangerous, crushed debris.
It is not reasonable to expect citizens to drive their personal family vehicles through broken bicycles, twisted wire and metal, baby doll heads, etc. (These are a few of the things I viewed.) Driving away from the landfill, I wondered if the remnants of a blown tire I observed on the road half a mile away came from someone doing the right thing by taking their garbage to the landfill and having to perilously drive through dangerous debris.
So if you’re a responsible citizen planning a trip to the landfill, wear some tall boots and make sure your spare tire is inflated. I won’t even comment on the quarter inch of dirt that collects on the surface and every crevice of your vehicle or the fact that you have to get back in line after dumping because there are no outbound scales to weigh you when empty. At least the landfill fee you’ll have to pay for this experience is reasonable. How much would it cost to have the outbound scales operational and more dumpsters available for the non-community dumping citizens that come out on Saturdays?
ó Tina E. Jahnke
Demonizing ObamaIt must be awful to live with an anxiety level so high that just a name would scare you into losing all reasoning power.
If you’re for McCain, say so and outline the reasons to be for him. Irrationally demonizing the opponent is the stuff of small minds. If Barack Obama’s name was Joe Smith, people would have to find a more honest reason to dislike him. Prejudice and fear are unreasonable and dangerous. Fear has a habit of trumping progress and hope. We were sold fear in the last presidential election and look what we bought: deep national debt, failure of our monetary system, loss of international respect, more of this unpopular war, and the lost lives of many more of our young people. I echo the injunction to “think, people,” but would add, if prejudice is your problem, be honest about it and quit the ridiculous excuses not to vote for Obama.
ó Marion McLaughlin
Letters endorsing local candidates in the Nov. 4 election must be received in the Salisbury Post newsroom by 5 p.m., Oct. 27. Please limit endorsements to 150 words.