Letters to the editor – Tuesday (10-14-08)
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 13, 2008
Don’t blame crisis on ‘the Joneses’
Everyone is using the old saying “Keeping up with the Joneses” to explain the problems with the economy. That has really brought a lot of questions to my mind. Why would banks lend money to people who they knew could not afford to pay it back? Why would people sign their name to a loan which they knew they could not afford? What happened to common sense? What happened to taking pride in doing a good job? What happened to taking care of yourselves? When did Americans start living off the government? I think it’s time for people to wake up and take responsibility for their own actions.
I know some “Joneses.” They are hard-working, Christain people who live modestly. I guess I am trying to “keep up with the Joneses!”
God bless America!
ó Susan Bostian
Calm your fears
Allow me to comment on the Oct. 9 letter entitled “Election fear factors”:
The writer suggested that Sen. Barack Obama’s very name incites fear in the minds of many Americans and therefore is not deserving of their support for the presidency of the United States of America.
What new-born child entering the world is capable of telling his parents what to name him or her?
Maybe the writer was an exception to the rule, but I doubt it. Since no person is responsible for the name given to him or her at birth, then no one else should hold one’s name against one even if one rises to the height of a candidate for the presidency of the United States.
The writer needs to be reminded that it is not a man’s name that defines him or measures his worth or value but rather the content of his character, integrity and compassion for others.
So let’s not be fearful nor uneasy about Senator Obama’s name because he is neither a terrorist nor a Muslim, but a committed Christian who wants the best for every American at this most critical time in our country’s history. I urge you to pray for him and give him your wholehearted support so that as our next president he will be in a position to effectuate his plans to revitilize our crippled economy, strengthen our military and restore our respect around the world.
ó William D. Turner
Help for animals
Paws down to the Rowan County commissioners who were invited but did not attend the Sept. 29 animal legislation meeting at the public library. You would think at least one commissioner would have taken time out to listen to the concerns of the people who elected them.
Some of the issues dicussed at the meeting included: Rowan County’s growing problems of animal abuse, neglect and overpopulation. More than 400 animals are gassed at the county shelter each month, and Rowan has one of the highest shelter kill-rates of any county in the state.
Animal issues affect human health and safety, stewardship of the Earth and taxpayer money. Requests for help are being ignored by the commissioners. When another animal discussion meeting is held, I hope they will attend.
ó Linda LeClair
Retire Hayes
In the TV ads for the candidates, U.S. Rep. Robin Hayes attacks challenger Larry Kissell for trying to mislead people on Hayes’ vote for CAFTA. If you will note, in the ad the announcer circles NAFTA but never circles CAFTA, which is also on the page.
I don’t think it’s Mr. Kissell who is misleading anyone; it’s Mr. Hayes. When the vote came to pass or reject CAFTA, do you know who it was that cast the deciding vote for President Bush to send our jobs overseas to China? That’s right, Mr. Hayes. I used to work at Fieldcrest Cannon Plant 6 in Concord. I was there the day the doors were shut forever. Many lives were changed forever.
So when you go to the polls on voting day, let’s do Mr. Hayes a favor. Send him into retirement. Or better yet, say: You’re fired!
ó Virgil Ashby
Endorsement letters
Letters endorsing local candidates in the Nov. 4 election must be received in the Salisbury Post newsroom by 5 p.m., Oct. 27. Please limit endorsements to 150 words.