Rose Post contest; Fuller earns poetry award
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 10, 2008
The Rose Post Creative Nonfiction Competition, sponsored by the North Carolina Writers’ Network, encourages the creation of lasting nonfiction work that is outside the realm of conventional journalism.
Pieces in the forms of reviews, travel articles, profiles/interviews, place/history pieces or culture criticism are welcome. The first-, second- and third-place winners will receive $300, $200 and $100, respectively. The Rambler Magazine will consider the winner for publication.The final judge for the 2008 award is Eli Hastings, who taught creative nonfiction and English at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. A nominee for the Pushcart Prize, his essays, “Falling Room,” were published by Bison Books in 2006. He works with Writers in the Schools, a program that partners professional writers with local teachers to inspire students’ understanding of the human experience through reading, writing and performance.
The competition is open to any writer who is a legal resident of North Carolina or a member of the North Carolina Writers’ Network.
Submit two copies of an original and previously unpublished manuscript of no more than 2,000 words, typed (12-point font) and double-spaced. The author’s name should not appear on the manuscript.
Multiple submissions accepted, one manuscript per entry fee: $10/NC Writers’ Network members; $15/non-members. You may pay member entry fee if you join the network with your submission. Entries will not be returned. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for a list of winners.
Send any questions and submissions, indicating name of competition, to: Ed Southern, PO Box 78002, Charlotte, NC 28271.
Checks should be payable to the North Carolina Writers’ Network; postmarked by Nov. 30.
Fuller receives 2008 Young Award
The Poetry Council of North Carolina has awarded Dr. Janice Fuller, Catawba College’s writer-in-residence, the 2008 Oscar Arnold Young Award for her poetry book, “Séance.”
The award is presented annually for the best poetry book by a North Carolinian. Fuller received the award on Oct. 4.
“Séance,” published in 2007 by Iris Press, was selected from among 13 North Carolina poetry books by judge Sally Keith, professor in the master of fine arts program at George Mason University. “The Golden Ratio,” by Keith Flynn, founding editor of the Asheville Poetry Review, received second place.
At the annual meeting, Fuller received a trophy engraved with the names of past winners, including Poet Laureate Kay Stripling Byer, former laureate Fred Chappell, Judy Goldman, Anthony Abbott, Ruth Moose, Dannye Romine Powell, Heather Ross Miller and Judy Jordan.
Fuller’s poetry book, “Sex Education” received second place for the 2005 Oscar Arnold Young Award.
N.C. Poetry Society contests open
The N.C. Poetry Society opens its annual poetry contests for adults and students.Cash awards and certificates are offered for winning poems, which will be published in Pinesong, the NCPS annual collection. Winners will be invited to read their poems on May 16, 2009, at the ceremony at Weymouth Center for the Arts and Humanities in Southern Pines.
Categories for adults include serious poetry, poems written by adults for children, sonnets or other traditional forms, light verse, haiku and poems with a theme of courage, American heritage, brotherhood/sisterhood, nature or love.
Student contests include general categories for grades 3-5, 6-8 and 9-undergraduate in addition to a category for poems about the environment for grades 3-8 and haiku for grades 9-undergrad. Deadline for entries is Jan. 20, 2009. Complete details about the contests are listed on the Web site,