Master Gardeners offer plant propagation workshop
Published 12:00 am Friday, June 27, 2008
Carol Massey
Master Gardener Coordinator
On Wednesdays, July 9 and 30, Rowan County Extension Master Gardeners will conduct Plant Propagation Workshops, 9 a.m. until noon at the Agricultural Center on Old Concord Road.
The classes will be held under the Outdoor Learning Center next to the greenhouse. It is important to register because space is limited to the first 25 for each session.
Register by contacting the Cooperative Extension office at 704-216-8970. There is a fee of $5 for materials and supplies which will be collected the day of the workshop.
Gardeners love to propagate and space will fill up quickly so register early.
Master Gardener Jean Lamb and other Extension Master Gardener Volunteers will provide instruction and information on basic propagation techniques.
Propagation of popular shrubs such as hydrangea, deutzia, Daphne Odora, azalea, buddleia, spirea and camellia is best achieved during late June and mid-July when cuttings from new tip growth is green and vigorous and snaps when bent. If the tip bends and does not snap, the growth is too juvenile.
Cuttings from old wood or aged or declining shrubs are more difficult to propagate. Cuttings should be taken the morning of the workshop if at all possible. If taken any earlier, keep the cuttings cool, immersed in water or wrapped in damp paper towels or newsprint. Transport soft- stem cuttings in a cooler with ice or in a container of water. Cuttings need not be excessively long.Bring enough plant material to share with others.Other recommended plants for propagation include Weigela, gardenia (upright and trailing varieties), laurel, holly, Carolina jessamine, crepe myrtle, roses, chase tree, Kerria, clematis, beauty berry and coral honeysuckle.
Almost any ornamental shrub or vine can be propagated if the cuttings are taken at the proper time, but the healthier the cutting the better.
The propagation trays, once filled, will be nurtured in the Cooperative Extension greenhouse until fall. At that time, the cuttings will be ready to be potted up and taken home.
Participants are encouraged to come by and check on their cuttings during the summer to see their growth and development. Further instruction will be given as the trays are ready to go home.
For questions or information, contact the Cooperative Extension office, 704-216-8981 or 216-8990 or e-mail darrell_blackwelder Massey is the Rowan County Master Gardener Coordinator.