Letters to the editor – Wednesday (6-25-08)
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 24, 2008
New interchange is a horrible idea
Regarding the proposal for a new interstate interchange at I-85 and Old Beatty Ford Road:
What would benefit Rowan County the most ó a bridge over the Yadkin River, or an interchange off I-85 to make landowners happy?
Traffic on I-85 is bad enough without an interchange. It would be a stupid mistake to have an interchange; even thinking about an interchange makes me sick.
I’m thinking I made a big mistake voting for anyone who might support this. Do the people a favor and resign now.
ó Holland Bost
China Grove
Say who you are
I would like to join Ralph Walton in stating my contempt for those who hide behind “anonymous” or screen names. As readers of this column may remember, I occasionally comment on this page, and I always sign my name and city. I have gotten more than a few phone calls and letters taking issue with my views, which I respect.
What I don’t respect is people who are afraid to identify themselves while attacking others. I wish the Post would simply refuse to publish any letter or comment or blog which does not clearly identify the sender.
ó John P. Burke
Baby voting
I am just curious in this day and age why online voting wasn’t allowed for the beautiful baby contest.
I realize that there were 10 days to vote from start to finish, but when you are out of state, that isn’t much time.
I am in California and wanted to vote, and I was very surprised when I went to the Post’s Web site and it boldly said “No online voting.” To not allow photocopies of the ballot either was a little extreme also and sent people running all over town looking for papers in boxes that were empty.
I understand rules but this seems a bit extreme for a local contest.
Even the presidential election lets you vote absentee.
ó Tammy Lynn
Brentwood, Calif.