Letters to the editor – Monday (6-16-08)
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 15, 2008
How do politicians plan to pay for their promises?
This election is very important to our country. It is important to me because the future of my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren depends on us. Whether you will vote Republican or Democrat, I would like to share a little information that was in a “Turning Points” magazine article by Pastor David Jeremiah that should concern each family in America.
The national debt of the United States is more than $9 trillion. My personal share, and yours, comes to more than $30,000 each. As a retired senior living on Social Security and, thankfully, a retirement plan from Hunt Corp., where I worked almost 34 years , I am concerned about where our country is headed. The candidates can promise the world, but if the funds are not there, nothing can stop the day of reckoning. Even this grandmother understands I cannot spend more than I have coming in.
Why do the men and women of both parties who are elected go wild with our money? When will they learn there is a financial reckoning day coming? There is a lot of uncertainty in America today. Gas prices, food costs, costs for medicine and affordable housing are just some of them. Our drought here in North Carolina concerns us.
There is a Gospel song written by Darlene Zschech titled “Shout to the Lord.” She came from a broken home, had an eating disorder, lost a child through miscarriage, had two small babies, and her husband was struggling to make a go of his business. Darlene said, “I felt like I could either scream or tear my hair out, but I learned to praise the Lord.”
Please research those running for election. Listen to their views on how they are going to afford all their promises. Vote wisely.
ó Linda Murdock Harmon
Consistent record
As a conservative, I have watched Sen. Elizabeth Dole as she has performed in the U.S. Senate. Her voting record has consistently been for the working N.C. citizen, and not for special intrest groups. She is an honest woman who can’t be swayed by false reports in the mainstream media that cherry picks information in order to sway people into false insecurities. She has stood firm on her convictions, and not licked her finger and stuck it in the wind to test how she should vote on issues. I am proud to call Elizabeth Dole my senator.
ó Pam Barringer
Mail didn’t go through
Is it safe to use the U.S. mail service?
My son called from Florida with car trouble, so I crammed $300 and a quick note into an envelope. I started to drop it in the mail, but on second thought, I went to the Spencer Post Office and registered the letter. The clerk placed my envelope into a larger envelope, had me address it, weighed it and did the paperwork to send it registered mail. It was $3.65 total and it would supposedly be received in Florida by 3 p.m. the following day.
That was early March. That letter dropped off the edge of the world. Disappeared.
By entering the registration number on the U.S. Postal Service site, you can trace a registered letter, but in this case it never advanced beyond the mailing at Spencer. After 30 days, I initiated a postal trace. That was early April. I never heard a word. After 20 calls and repeated trips to the Post Office ó and being thoroughly chastized for sending cash in the mail ó I gave up. But I still believe I have a right to trust an institution as important as the mail service.
What about the Pony Express and “rain, snow, dark of night,” and the mail goes through?
ó Bill Green