Letters: Carson students are volunteers in action
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 30, 2008
Carson students are volunteers in action
I was impressed with the generous effort and contributions that Carson High School students and staff made towards Savanah’s Walk and Roll Fundraiser that was held on May 17 at Carson. The students and staff obviously feel a personal connection with Savanah Hinson and her family. They worked with Savanah’s family to raise over $11,000 to help purchase equipment.
The staff and students contributed in a variety of ways. They promoted the event at Carson. Students made banners, and the staff encouraged people to participate in the event. Savanah’s story was shared through intercom insights and video. Students collected pledges for laps they walked and rolled. The staff and students donated many items for several baskets, which were raffled. The Junior Civitans sponsored a cakewalk. There was a water balloon toss where people could pay to throw water balloons at select staff and students. A staff member donated a jail where participants could pay to put staff, students and others in jail.
It is always awesome to see young people showing compassion and giving freely of their time to support someone else. I am proud of the way the students and staff at Carson responded to help make a difference for Savanah.
ó Melanie K. Miller
Miller is a teacher at Jesse C. Carson High School.
Thanks, NR students
The afternoon before the recent primary, circumstances left me with the task of setting up the voting place alone. I decided to ask some of the students leaving school for help, and the very first two I approached not only agreed but stayed with the task until I assured them that everything was done. They brushed aside my offer to write a letter to credit them with the volunteer time and left without even telling me their names. These are students to be proud of, and I didn’t have to look far to find them at North Rowan High!
ó Alane Mills
Mills is the chief poll judge for the Spencer Precinct.
Judge not, folks
It sounds as if Ralph Walton is a sore loser. He says he won’t file a challenge but says, “She pled guilty, she did it.” I don’t think Laura Lyerly ever said she didn’t do it. What she said was that she was never convicted. That is a true statement. I’m not saying that Laura was right in what she did, only that youth make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, and hers was 10 years ago! If Laura is still on the ballot (and I hope she is) I’ll be voting for her. I’d like to know if Mr. Walton has ever heard the saying, “Judge not lest ye be judged?” By the way, I’m voting for Hillary, too!
ó Todd Johnston