D Vinson to sign books
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 23, 2008
Book signings by D Vinson
First time author and Salisbury native D Vinson will sign his new book, “Honored Promise, Doubtful Trust” on Saturday, May 31 at the Lowell Freedom Festival (3 p.m.) at Harold Rankin Park, 519 Park Circle, Lowell; and Saturday, June 21 at Art on Easy Street (10 a.m.-5 p.m.) at North Main and East Liberty streets in Salisbury.
Doug Vinson was born in March 1962 in Salisbury. He graduated from Salisbury High School in 1980 and joined the U.S. Navy, where he served for six years.
The story is about two women who become friends in prison, Sharon and Bree. Sharon makes arrangements for Bree to stay with her family after her release. In return, Bree must keep a promise concerning Sharon.
For more information, please visit www.vinsonbookbiz.com