District Court May 13
Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 17, 2008
District Court
Abbreviation Key
CAAFóCourt-appointed attorney fee.
CSWóCommunity service work.
NAóNotice of appeal.
PJC/CóPrayer for judgment continued/court costs.
VDóDismissal without leave by district attorney.
Disposition of cases heard May 13 in Rowan District Probation Violations and Worthless Checks Court by Judge Charlie Brown:
– Shoplifting concealment of goods ó Samantha Ann Bennett, Ashley Nicole Francis, also resisting public officer, 15-day sentence activated, credit time served; Jill Roxanne Earnhardt, PJC/C, CAAF; Misti Dawn Page, Sheena Marie Page, 15 days, suspended, 12 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, CAAF, 48 hours CSW, remain away from Walgreen’s.
– Misdemeanor probation violation ó Regina Bostian, Christopher J. Ramsey, 30-day sentence activated; Christopher L. Brinson, two charges, probation terminated unsuccessfully; Ernest Bradley Buchanan, three charges, 45-day and two 120-day sentences activated at expiration of previous; Christopher P. Cecil, probation extended 12 months under former orders, CAAF; Jeremy A. Clodfelter, two charges, probation extended six months under former orders; Bobby S. Cunningham, continue under former orders, CAAF; Aisha Taneefah Davis, 120-day sentence activated at expiration of earlier sentence; Tony Davis, Sammie Nicole Goldin, probation terminated successfully; Herbert Eugene Ellis, two charges, 120-day and 60-day sentences activated; Lee Thomas Ellis, probation terminated unsuccessfully; Jonathan Everhardt, 150-day sentence activated; Jonathan Everhardt, sentence activated; Larry Donnell Everhart, 120-day sentence activated, NA; Shatara Shada Griffin, two charges, probation extended 12 months in one case and terminated in second case; James Lonnie Hensley, two charges, continue under former order, CAAF; Bud Barry Hulin, also carrying concealed weapon, 100-day sentence activated, NA; Theodis Lee Jenkins, 10-day sentence activated; Brent Robert Jones, 60-day sentence activated; Jeffrey Eugene Lowder, two charges, 24-month and 120-day sentences activated, also misdemeanor probation violation our-of-county, no jurisdiction; Lamarick Mance, 45-day sentence activated, NA; Deantonio N. Mattison, two charges, two 45-day sentences activated with second at expiration of first, NA; Latanya L. McCullough, sentence activated, NA; Jarvis Degama Neely Jr., 15-day sentence activated; Larry Michael Rollins, 120-day sentence activated; Ricky Scarborough, Xavier Bellows, probation terminated; Allen Thomas Vann, probation extended 12 months under former orders, 24 hours CSW; Lawrence Witherspoon, 75-day sentence activated.
– Driving while license revoked ó Aisha Davis, also possession of up to a ounce of marijuana, 120 days; Kevin Laine Davis, Tammy Lynn Garcia, PJC/C, CSW; Angela Michelle Gladden, PJC/C; Bobby Ray Ware, 45 days, suspended, 12 months probation, $200 fine, court cost, CAAF, 24 hours CSW, transfer to Davidson County.
– Extradition/fugitive other state ó Michael Stewart Dye, VD.
– Violation of court order ó Bobby Ray Harris, violation dismissed.
– Possessing/displaying fictitious, cancelled, revoked registration card/tag ó Gregory Thomas Headen, two charges, VD in both cases.
– Possession of Schedule VI controlled substance ó Justin VanCleff Heilig, 15 days, suspended, 12 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, 24 hours CSW, drug education course; Raleigh Joseph Watson, 45 days, suspended, 24 months probation, court cost, 50 hours CSW, NA; Eric Eugene Burgess, 10 days, suspended, 18 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, CAAF, no contact with state witness, remain away from Kangaroo, also two charges misdemeanor larceny, 45 days in one case at expiration of first sentence, suspended, 18 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, restitution, 50 hours CSW, 45 days in second case at expiration of second sentence, suspended, 18 months probation, same terms/conditions.
– Misdemeanor probation violation out-of-county ó Christopher Holshouser, four charges, two 120-day and two 45-day sentences activated.
– Simple worthless check ó Jeremy S. Murdock, three charges, 45 days, suspended, 12 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, restitution, 24 hours CSW.
– Simple assault ó Pierce Von Peeler, PJC/C, CAAF.
– Possession of drug paraphernalia ó Daniel Pablo Ramos, 45-day sentence activated.
– Misrepresentation to obtain Employment Security Commission benefit ó Delroy Wilmoth, nine charges, PJC/C, restitution.
– No operator’s license ó Nioka Lynn Wriker, also possession of drug paraphernalia, 45-day sentence activated, evidence to be destroyed.