Letters to the editor 4-05-08
Published 12:00 am Friday, April 4, 2008
If you think Clinton was bad, what about Bush?
I would like to respond to the April 3 letter written by M.M. Judy. First, I refuse to stoop to name-calling, although I could use a lot more colorful adverbs to describe the Bush administration than Judy used to disrespect President Clinton.
I am sure her family is perfect, and no one has ever made a mistake; therefore, she is entitled to have her front-row hypercritical opinion. If you believe Bush has done the right thing, then you should have your son or daughter in Iraq. If they come home without a limb, then you should be grateful for the cuts in veterans benefits or, worse, just bury them without any remorse.
If you believe Bush has not lied to you, then you should pay the high cost of gas while Bush cashes his oil checks. You should give your health care to a single mother who can’t afford it. You should pay for my child’s education because her grant was cut. You should pay my taxes while millionaires receive tax breaks. You should give someone your job because they lost theirs.
You have an excellent opportunity to continue to have the same thing you have right now. So if you want to eat the same thing that has made you puke for eight years, then vote for McCain. If you want to have this country put back on its feet … again, then vote Democratic, and we will do it again just like we did after the first Bush administration.
ó Lynda Kirkpatrick
Inspirational choirs
My son and I recently attended a performance of Catawba College’s choirs, which was astounding, to say the least. Paul Oakley, Catawba’s new music director, conducted, and Adam Ward accompanied. We both listened in awe as the choirs performed mostly sacred music, but also some secular music.
Some seniors in the groups performed solos and were exceptional. As I listened in the beautiful chapel, I was truly inspired, feeling chills at times as well as being moved to tears. My son, Charlie (who is a student at Catawba), also commented that the melodies and beautiful harmonies moved him as well. In case you didn’t know, these choirs of Catawba also toured through the Southeast during their spring break, and I can assure you that their representation was nothing less than a proud moment for Salisbury.
Take advantage of the next opportunity we are given to experience music performed by the students of Catawba College. You will absolutely be glad you did!
ó Diana Aldridge
Unselfish co-workers
Regarding the Freightliner layoffs:
I personally want to thank the first shift and senior employees who kept us in the plant for the last year. Without their support and their kind hearts, we would have all been laid off in July 2007. My family and I cannot thank you enough for voting to alternate shifts with less senior employees to keep us at work with you. Without your kindness and patience, we would all be in worse shape than we are now.
I just want you to know that the sacrifices that you first-shift employees made for us do not go without thanks. Hopefully, I will be back in the plant next year, and we can all chase the line together again. I will try to keep everyone updated on my Web site www.solidarity-3520.com, as soon as I hear anything.
Semper fi.
ó John “Buffalo” Stewart