Dump piles still rising along Wildwood Road

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Dump piles are still rising
along Wildwood Road
A couple of months ago, I wrote a letter to the editor in regard to people dumping their household items all along Wildwood Road. I did notice the inmates were brought out to clean after that. They stacked the furniture, tires, etc. along the roadside, and that is where it has stayed. We now have people that are adding to the piles, and it is worse now than ever. I am pleading with the county to do something about this embarassment. When I have visitors, I have them come in on the Bringle Ferry side because I am too embarassed for them to drive through that mess. If anyone has an idea on how to stop this dumping, the people that live on the street would like to know.
ó Carolyn Bryant
Eradicating a problem
Mac Butner, I also cannot take it any longer! Thanks for bringing up the ridiculous substitution of “no problem” for “you’re welcome” or “my pleasure” (Aug. 6 letter). In my experience, young male waiters particularly have used this phrase almost without fail for several years. I am sure service industry management does not incorporate this reply in their training because I rarely hear it from a female, and then only from a young girl. Next time I get a response of “no problem,” I’m going to ask if what I requested was potentially a problem for him or her. Come on, folks, let’s unite to find out what their “problem” really is! Mac, I hope your great cause will eradicate this idiotic phrase so that it will truly become “no problem,” man.
ó George Geran
Time to let track go forward
An article in the Saturday Post regarding the future of the High Rock race track read “No quick end to racetrack debate foreseen.” So where is the debate? As the story reads, there was an overflow of people in favor of the track. And then, like a sparkler starting to fade on the 4th of July, we have Ann Brownlee and her “association.” Ann Brownlee, a person who is trying to tell someone what to do with property that isn’t even hers. How long will the citzens of Rowan allow her to try to stop a much needed economic boost? How much money has this “association” cost Rowan County, Dave Risdon and his group and even the state of North Carolina?
To the board of Spencer: We have local, state, and federal governments that won’t hesitate to change policies or raise taxes against the wishes of the citizens. Yet, you have an overwhelming majority of people saying, “We want this track.” It is time to put the silliness we know as Ann Brownlee aside and let the track be built. For the betterment of Spencer, grasp this opportunity before it passes.
ó Will Sadler
While I certainly don’t condone Michael Vick’s actions and cruelty to animals, I was wondering where is all the hue and outcry and about the sadistic cruelty and heinous activity in this country with all the killing of unborn human beings? Why don’t we get upset about this?
ó Dick Richards
This is in response to Sharon Davis’ letter. Not all parents who PAY child support are deadbeats or worry about their ‘beer money’. My husband works two jobs in order to pay his child support to a woman who doesn’t allow him to see his child, who has abused the system, who has used the money for child support for her own needs, who has moved and not held up her end of the custody agreement. I know that there are alot of people who fall into both of these categories. Why don’t we put monitoring on the women who fail to uphold their end of the deal? Also, my daughter’s father has only given $400 to her support in the 15 years that she has been in this world, but I’m not complaining about it, he has to look in the mirror everday knowing what he has not done. I could take him to court, but why? For money? I’m doing my part let him step up on his own to do his part, if he doesn’t, it’s the next life he has to worry about. I don’t think that putting any parent in jail for f
ailure to pay child support is the answer, it only allows people to harbor resentment and then no one wins and definitely not the child. My advise is if you are adult enough to make/have a child then be adult enough to support the child, don’t use the child as a bargaining tool against either parent or grandparents.
Frances Evans
P.O. Box 64
Southmont, NC
Forced annexation is the malignancy spreading across North Carolina like the plague. Townships are misusing the archaic annexation law to simply steal money from surrounding neighbors while simultaneously corrupting the very foundations of our constitutional system by denying private property rights, forcing taxation without representation and denying citizens the right to vote.
Towns across this state are picking off areas to steal, one at a time, and it time that we stood together. Join the Fair Annexation Coalition on the Web at fac@nc.rr.com. Band together with other nearby communities for support and legal advice by writing to lexingtonnc@yahoo.com or calling 336-239-6926.
Information, support and voices need to join on a statewide network or we will all hang separately. There are many bills in the House for annexation reform and some for de-annexation, and I plan to take letters from people who have been annexed in the past to Raleigh in support of Bill HB1061 which calls for de-annexation of areas that have been forcefully annexed in the past. Mayors and city leaders recently testified before a hearing in Raleigh and said that people who have been annexed are happy and content with having been annexed
Send your letters or call. The politicians in Raleigh need to hear the truth. North Carolina is one of only four states still practicing the neo-communist method of forced, no-vote annexation, which allows municipalities to steal tax dollars in order to support their ever- increasing entitlement infrastructure and every town council’s own useless vanity projects and failed leadership. Write or call. As Thomas Jefferson said, “the whole mass of the people are the only sure reliance for the preservation of liberty”
ó Keith Bost
Maybe it’s time to call Russell
As the Post has reported, Salisbury-Rowan EDC Director Randy Harrell has submitted his resignation, effective Aug. 24. Randy was an excellent EDC director, whose professional accomplishments are exceeded only by his exemplary service to the community. As our county is just now realizing the benefits of the legacy he and former commissioner Steve Blount have planned for our prosperity, I have a suggestion.
Tim Russell, whose professional accomplishments have yet to be exceeded, would be the ideal candidate for the EDC position. Mr. Russell is a committed community leader who served on the United Way board and raised record sums of money for local charitable organizations. The hallmark of his tenure as county manager was the unparalleled prosperity and overall sense of well-being he always seemed to bring to the citizens of Rowan County.
For those who know him, Tim is honest, fair and possesses the demeanor that would make him an excellent EDC director. It’s my understanding that Mr. Russell announced his resignation from Gates County last week.
I submit that if Tim Russell makes a commitment to you, it can be counted on without question. Simply put, he is a man of integrity. His resignation as Gates County manager could not have happened at a more opportune moment.
ó James Walls
The Minneapolis bridge disaster was a terrible thing, and it brought home an interesting and valid point. These kinds of tragedies should not happen in America, and don’t have to happen.
Our federal government has no money to fix bridges, resurface all the roads that need it, or in anyway make the necessary repairs to our nation’s infrastructure. Do you know why? It’s because we are dropping millions of dollars a day on a war that we are not winning and that has no visible or viable end to it, and we, the citizens, are paying for it!
Since our invasion of Iraq, terrorists have overrun a country where previously they had no presence; we’ve lost nearly 4,000 of our finest men and women, and permanently or seriously maimed and/or disabled another 12,000 of them. Many of our wonderful soldiers are on their third, fourth or fifth tour of duty in this hot zone, and no appreciable gains have been made. Not only that, but Osama Bin Laden, the man responsible for the tragedy of 911, is still at large and still recruiting terrorists and wreaking his havoc on the world.
Being occupiers in Iraq has not stopped the terror attacks on Spain, England, Egypt, or in any way put an end to the mess in the conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis.
We have an administration that is reviled in much of the world, and we have allowed it to thumb its nose at our Constitution, ignore basic civil rights of our citizens, and continue to ignore the devastation in one of our finest cities, New Orleans, not to mention failing to secure our borders!
When will we wake up and say, enough! All our bridges, roads and greenways are in serious danger in America, and, if it weren’t for this war, they could be repaired. As it is, many of our more wondrous man made structures, and, our eco system in this great land of ours remain on borrowed time.
Please remember this the next time you cross a bridge ó or go into a voting booth.
ó Jan McCanless
China Grove
-209 Edgewood Circle, China Grove, NC (704) 857-6923