Letters to the editor — Thursday (2-20-2014)

Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 20, 2014

Regarding the food store worker who was fired because of a comment to Governor McCory:
What I have against his having a clerk fired is that, like it or not, the clerk is a constituent of McCrory. The clerk voiced his opinion to the governor; the governor should have found out why the clerk felt that way. After all, he is a politician. Plus, he should have had a thicker skin. He is supposed to be the governor of all the people in North Carolina, not just of those who like him.
Freedom of speech? Not in N.C.
— Richard Morgan

On Feb. 18, I dropped my wallet between Walmart’s parking lot and the building. A wonderful individual turned it in at the customer service desk.
Whoever you are, I want to thank you so much. I pray that God blesses you with a double portion of his favor.
— LaChundra D. Pemberton

The governor’s plan to raise teachers’ starting pay will do nothing to help recruit or retain teachers. North Carolina’s starting salary will still be well below what Virginia offers and below the national average starting salary for teachers.
— Marcheta Luey