Letters to the editor – Thursday – 11-3-16

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 3, 2016

Epitome of what’s wrong

Do your homework. Find out the truth behind this election.

Hillary Clinton is unfit to be leader of this nation. A good leader is one who serves the people and does not climb the ladder, shoving everyone else off the goal of power and influence. The constant lies, corruption, and manipulation of issues, are the height of hypocrisy. She speaks a different line to whomever she is speaking just for the vote. She even boasts of her differing public and private views in her recently leaked speeches.

When she is caught in a lie, her response is to attack, diverting our attention away from her weaknesses. She sugar coats the facts by saying that America is doing just fine. Poverty is on the rise, homelessness is on the rise, and our infrastructures are crumbling.

Instead of hanging out with her Hollywood crowd she needs to see the real country like the rest of us. She should stop boasting about the Clinton Foundation helping children all over the world when one out of five children go hungry in this country.

It is hypocritical that she boasts that her career has been spent loving and helping children when she insists in allowing even late term abortions. Clinton strongly supports Planned Parenthood, whose founder Margaret Sanger encouraged the sterilization of persons with less desirable qualities. Sanger’s disdain for blacks, minority groups, the diseased and disabled spawned the birth of an abortion corporation that profits off the killing of the weakest and most vulnerable.

Clinton’s lies and deceit continue to mount up. Her policies and ideology are like the snake in the grass that will spew out a venomous blow to our grandchildren if we do not keep her out of office. Clinton is the epitome of what is wrong in politics today.

— Barbara Franklin


Is this acceptable to you?

Vote for Hillary if:

You have read the Democrat platform, understand it and agree with it.

You agree with partial birth abortion (the destruction of babies).

You agree with federally funded sanctuary cities that harbor illegals, some of which are criminals.

You agree to have a Supreme Court (the highest court in the nation) composed of radical liberals. Hillary will have the opportunity to appoint two to four if she wins.

You agree she will protect your Second Amendment, the right to bear arms.

You agree to “open borders” globally, which will allow unvetted immigrants, including radical Islamic terrorists, to enter the country.

You agree it’s fine for her to lie to Congress and the FBI.

You agree she should suffer no consequences for the crimes she has committed (destruction of government records).

You agree it was an ethical gesture for the Clinton Foundation to accept $12 million from the king of Morocco for one Bill Clinton speech.

You agree Obama Care is a disaster and that a single-payer medical insurance plan will be just what our country needs.

You agree we don’t need law and order but we need to unjustly protect rioters who destroy and vandalize.

You agree businesses, large and small, need more regulations.

You agree taxes need to be raised to support many government give-away programs.

You agree with Common Core education rather than school choice program.

You agree we don’t need term limits for Congress.

You agree that global warming is our worst enemy.

You agree that we need to cut our defense.

You agree to ignore revelations from Wikileaks.

If you agree, she wins but we all lose.

— Tronia Gibson


Editor’s note: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton backed out of a Clinton Global Initiative fundraiser in Morocco, though — as a memo leaked by Wikileaks reported — the country’s king had pledged $12 million to the Clinton Foundation. Bill and Chelsea Clinton did attend the event.

Time to move Pat out

In the past, I’ve always voted Republican. I voted for Pat McCrory in 2012, but his shady politics have completely changed the way I vote.

I am a 14-year employee of Freightliner in Cleveland who has experienced five layoffs under governors from both parties, but Governor McCrory made major changes to our unemployment system and not for the better.

Governor McCrory cut eligibility from 26 to 12 weeks and claims that lowered unemployment, but he’s not counting anyone who couldn’t find work in 12 weeks. And what if you’re lucky enough to find work before losing your eligibility but the plant shuts down for a week or the job doesn’t work out?

Before Governor McCrory, you only had to wait one week a year before filing for unemployment. Now every time you’re laid off you must wait another week. Add the two weeks your employer gets to respond before you get a dime, and you might have to go three weeks without any income. That’s the best-case scenario because the average wait is five weeks. If I hadn’t had a good-paying union job that let me put money into savings —my “layoff fund” — we wouldn’t have made it.

Governor McCrory brags about the new jobs coming here and says finding work shouldn’t be hard. The truth is most of those new jobs pay low wages without benefits. Many are only available through temp agencies, which can work you as little as they want and then end your assignment, find you a minimum wage job, and prevent you from drawing unemployment at all.

This year I’ll be voting for my livelihood. I helped Pat move into the Governor’s Mansion, but this year I look forward to helping him move out.

— Jon Greene


Let’s not do this again

Happily, the totally disgusting 2016 presidential campaigns are in their last week. Sadly, most first-time voters probably think this is how Kennedy, Reagan and other former presidential candidates conducted their campaigns.

Without the Clinton campaign’s constant TV ads, my grandchildren would not have been exposed daily to those deplorable comments made by Donald Trump. Thank you, Mrs Clinton, for approving those deplorable ads.

And without Trump’s campaign ads, my adorable grandchildren would not have lost respect for Hillary Clinton, who according to most polls, will be their new president. Thank you, Mr. Trump, for approving your disrespectful ads.

In closing, may America and both parties learn from this embarrassing 2016 election and not be an international joke again in 2020.

— Frank Eason


According to the Duke

John Wayne said, “Courage is being scared to death …, and saddling up anyway.”

I believe it is now time to saddle up and ride for our country.

— John Holshouser


The Post’s deadline for letters endorsing (or unendorsing) candidates in the Nov. 8 election is 5 p.m. today.