Letters to the editor — Monday (3-30-2015)

Published 12:00 am Monday, March 30, 2015

Obama does little to solve  immigration problems

The Post has recently printed several letters concerning immigration. The reason we have an immigration problem is not just because the borders are unguarded but because the man who would be the first dictator of America, Obama, will not follow the laws we have concerning immigration. He should be impeached for dishonoring his oath of office, that is, to uphold the laws of the land. Obama has decided he will be the executive, legislative and the judicial branches of government. He doesn’t need their interference in his political agenda. The other reason we have an immigration problem is that Obama refuses to deport illegals we find in the country. For me the emphasis should be upholding the law and deporting those found here illegally.

If the government continues to ignore the laws we have concerning immigration, then who is really breaking the law? There are those who will say it is unfair, unjust; these people are coming here to find a better life.  Good for them, but only those who follow the rules should be allowed to stay. In other words, get in line!

Children born in America by illegal aliens are said to be Americans. This should not be. Someone committing an illegal act by being in America illegally should not be justified with citizenship.  This law was enacted a long time ago to give citizenship to the children of slaves who were not here of their own free will. We should not automatically give citizenship to any and every one born in our country whose parents are not Americans.

We could find relief from the immigration problem by simply finding them and sending them back, and if you enter again illegally, you will never be offered citizenship. Works for me!

— Richard Roberts


Democratic stinkers

Democrats are on a roll. So, why not start at the top? It’s well known that Obama has proven to be inept, and evil, on a level this country has never witnessed before. Like risking a moderate civil war by unleashing race-mongers like Holder and Sharpton on a witch hunt after an innocent cop in Ferguson.

Now Obama has completely strayed off the deep end over his hatred of Bibi Netanyahu. According to Deuteronomy 32:10, Israel is the apple of God’s eye. So, when he is spitting into Israel’s eye — who’s eye is he actually spitting into? Does the U.S. really want to go down that road? Now Obama is wanting to back away from supporting Israel and turn the matter over to the U.N. — that great bastion of creating worldwide calamities. Of course, true believers understand that the outcome of all this is “written in stone.” The Obamas of the world haven’t a clue. (1st Corinthians 2:14)

And how about that Hillary! The Clinton Foundation has received untold millions of dollars from foreign government interests. Money has come out of countries like China and several questionable Arab nations where women — in some cases — have fewer rights and protection than some animals.

Obama was elected to better race relations — by the way, how’s that working out for you? — while Hillary will be the great female hope. Now Hillary has hoarded classified documents in her home. A felony under U.S. Code 18USC-1001! Says she turned in all 55,000, while deleting 30,000 private emails. That’s like John Wilkes Booth handing over all his bullets but one to the doorman at Ford’s Theater. Swears she didn’t send classified info via her private email home server, which was not certified secure (hack city) and what about emails received? Stinks to high heaven, does it not?

— Randy Biggerstaff


Too many empty pews

This is a letter I would rather not write, but the Lord has put it on my heart to write my concern.

Every Sunday as I go to church, it breaks my heart to see so many people spending their Sunday at the flea market, and our churches are half empty.

I know there are reasons people don’t go to church. I go to thank God, worship him and learn his will. When I worked, he kept me safe going and coming and helped me do my job. He now helps me in the things I need to do.

Our pastor once compared the church to a filling station for our spirits. We come, hear God’s word and go out to live our lives in his love. As I went to church last Sunday and looked out over the parking lot, the thought crossed my mind, how sad, such a “lost multitude.” No offense meant, but the truth is without God (our father), Jesus (our savior) and the Holy Spirit (our guide), we are lost.

It reminded me of Jonah and Nineveh. In the Old Testament book of Jonah, God told Jonah to warn Nineveh of his coming wrath. Jonah didn’t want to go. Remember Jonah and the big fish? When he finally went and warned them, they repented and Jonah got mad. God said (Jonah 4:11), “Should I not be concerned about that great city?”

We are not trying to make you a Christian. We can’t; we can share the good news, and the Holy Spirit draws you to God. Don’t take my word; read for yourself what Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, Matthew 28:18-20, John 3:16, John 14 and the book of Romans.

God be with and help you.

— Sybil Athey
